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Regular Meeting Minutes
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ClTy COUNCIL MINUTES - Septenber 5, 1984 <br />( D. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item D.3 - Lease with Purissima Hills Water District (continued): <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend the lease before Council as follows: page 2a, add <br />section 3.A.(4) to read: "Lessee shall pay lessor not later than June 30 of each <br />year an am mt equal to one-third of the maintenance costs for the driveway (to <br />the flag pole) by lessee and lessor." <br />Dronkert explained the reasoning behind the year-to-year lease. If it were a ten- <br />year lease and the price of water rose dramatically, this increase would not be <br />reflected in the rental change. Mrs. Dronkert also noted that the Town did not <br />receive a franchise fee fren the Water District and she did not think the Town <br />should subsidize the Water District. <br />NOTION MADE AND FA=ED BY THE FOLI[OWING ROLL CALL = TO CALL THE QUESTION: <br />AYES: Councilmeber Dronkert <br />NOES: Councilmamhars Fuhrman, Rydell and vanTamelen <br />PRESENT: Mayor Allison <br />Dronkert stated she world be willing to support an agreement of intent with the <br />Water District that the rent would be related to actual increases in the cost of <br />water; not a revenue source for the Town. <br />Mr. Dan Alexander, President - Purissima Hills Water District, reiterated that <br />e water District was not a prorit maKing organization. <br />M7rldN SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by FUhnman and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #90-84 approving and <br />authorizing execution of an amended lease between the City of the Town of los <br />Alms Hills and Purissima Hills Water District (amended lease according to the <br />terms set forth by the City Attorney in 8/29/84 report and as amended by Council <br />9/5/84). <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and Councilmanbers Dronkert, Fuhrmann and van Tmelen <br />NOES: Councilmenhar Rydell <br />4. Request for Lot Line Adjustment, IANDS OF PARNUS (Story Hill Lam) <br />van Tmelen expressed concerns that the driveway was right along the property line. <br />Although the driveway had been in place for some tine and there was planting along <br />the property line, van Tamelen comented that a new ordinance presently under <br />discussion would prevent such situations in the future. <br />MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhruan, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #91-84 approving lot lira <br />adjustments between the Parnas property and the Love property. <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and Councilnmbers Dronkert, Fuhnnan and Rydell <br />NOES: Comncilmenber van Tamelen <br />5. Resolution # awarding contract for the re -roofing of Town Hall <br />Staff reported that as of the deadline on August 31, 1984, only one bid had <br />been received for this project from Adams Enterprises, Inc. (DHA Adams Roofing <br />Company) at $7,644. <br />Edward Barnes Chairman - Cammmnity Relations Committee, suggested that skylights <br />be put in the breezeway to provide additional lighting. <br />-3- <br />
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