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CTTY COUNCIL MIfAW - September 5, 1984 <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item D.5 - Re -roofing of Town Hall (continued): <br />Dronkert did not think that extra finds should be appropriated for the roofing <br />project; however, she did ask that the City Manager indicate what line item of <br />the budget world be transferred. The City Manager responded that the fords were <br />available and would provide the Council with an accounting of the transfer; however, <br />he did suggest that in the future budget amendments be made prior to awarding contract <br />M3TICN SEMNDED AMID CAIU=: Moved by Fthxman, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution #92-84 awarding a contract for the re -roofing of <br />Town Hall (Adams Enterprises, Inc. - $7,644). <br />E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Payments under 1984 Solid Waste Disposal Participation Agreemnt <br />The City Manager presented his report dated 8/31/84 which referred to the Solid <br />Waste Disposal Participation Agreement with Mountain view to provide landfill <br />capacity for the Town for the next ten years. In connection with this agreement, <br />the Tbwn's FY 1984-85 operation and maintenance payments to Mountain View will <br />be $48,700 and the Town's debt service payments will be $65,358. There is also <br />a requirement that one -year's debt service be placed in reserve. The interest <br />earned on the reserve fund will be paid to the Tuan. <br />MDTICN SEQ7MDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by FUhxman and passed <br />unanimously to direct staff to prepare an addendum to the agreement with the Ins <br />Altos Garbage Company establishing the schedule for payment to the Thom by the <br />company of the funis required by the landfill agreement. This addendum to agree- <br />ment will be agendized for the next Council meeting. <br />1-Il'1'ION SECCNDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unan musly to direct staff to prepare a budget amendment for the next Ceuncil <br />meeting appropriating the finds required by the landfill agreement during the <br />1984-85 year. <br />2. Planning Commission Expense Reimbursement ($50/month) <br />Commissioner Siegel reported that the Commission had discussed this matter at <br />their last meeting and were of the opinion that the present reimbursemat of $50 <br />per month was reasonable and satisfactory. However, they did have the suggestion <br />that the representatives from the Pathway Committee and the Environmental Design, <br />Parks and Recreation Committee who sat on the Site Development/Subdivisions review <br />boards should also receive $50/month. Drcnkert offered to meet with a representa- <br />tive of the Planning Commission to discuss this recomnendation. <br />3. Int Line Adjustment Policy Reoomendation: <br />Council discussed the 8/31/84 report from Staff Planner Lytle on lot line adjust- <br />ment policy recommendation. In particular Council reviewed the statement that the <br />Planning Commission would act as the decision-making body, with the item being <br />referred to Council only on appeal, van Tamelen mm nennted that Council should be <br />aware of these planning matters and suggested lot line adjustu ants be placed on the <br />`� Consent Calendar,es following the same procedure now in place for variances and <br />v conditional use permits. <br />M7TICN EEOONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to adopt the Planning Commission's moommendation regarding lot line <br />-4- <br />