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CTTy ODDNCIL mEglrES - September 19, 1984 <br />E. UNFINISHED BUS=SS: (continued) : <br />INW 2. Item Reroved from the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Actions of the Planning Commission: approved the following - LANDS OF <br />GRIFFITHS, File CUP #4-84 (Conditional Use Permit) <br />The City Manager explained what actions the Council could take, according to the <br />Code, relative to Conditional Use Permits. Since the Planning C=ission was <br />the approving body, Council could concur with their actions, take no action or <br />appeal the Commission's decision. <br />van Tamelen expressed serious concerns at the policy of not having the minutes <br />from the Planning Commission meeting nor a nein staff report on the subject. She <br />requested and Council agreed to decide on this matter after hearing the report from <br />the Planning Commissioner. <br />F. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />Reports from Standing Comittees: Finance COMUIttee <br />PDTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously to endorse the report of the Finance Camittee on the Investment Policy <br />Statement for the Town (dated 9/4/84) and to thank the members of the Finance <br />Committee for their work on this report. <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: none <br />3. Reports from the Planning Camnission: <br />a) Approval of Conditional Use Permit for IAEIDS OF GRIFFITHS, 14125 Berry <br />Hill Lane, File #4-84 <br />Commissioner Yanez reported that the vote of approval from the Planning Commission <br />for this conditional use permit was 6 to 1 with his the dissenting vote. He <br />explained his concerns for condition #9 which called for an annual staff review <br />and a three-year review by the Planning Comdssion. in his opinion, he did not <br />feel this was a cost effective procedure and felt the Town had more practical <br />issues to deal with rather than the enforcement of the secondary dwelling ordinance. <br />In response to these onmients, Dronkert suggested staff review the wording of <br />condition #9 and Allison suggested that all conditional use permits be recorded. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to discuss with the Chairman <br />of the Planning Commission the following matter when reviewing code enforcement: <br />how does the Tuan ensure that reviews of conditional use permits take place and <br />how is the secondary dwelling ordinance enforced. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to concur with the Planning Cammisson's approval <br />of the Lands of Griffiths, File CUP #4-84 (conditional use permit) PESO. #94a-84 <br />4. Comments from the Council: <br />a) pilu an: Report from the Transportation Cc mdssion <br />Fuhrman presented a brief overview of recent ridership and revenue figures and also <br />noted that the Transportation Commission supported the reoomendation to the Board <br />of Supervisors regarding improvements to 101, 237, 85 and 152. <br />-5- <br />