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CITY COUNCIL NIIlV= - October 17, 1984 <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued): <br />v 2. Public Hearing: <br />a) Appeal of Variance and Permit Commission's denial of Variance for <br />JAMS OF BAIWOR, 28110 Story Hill Lane (pool equipment location) <br />The Staff Planner presented her staff report dated 10/12/84 which included the <br />staff recamiendation that Council adopt a motion denying the applicant's request <br />for a variance to encroach fifteen feet into the west setback and six feet into <br />the south setback for placement of the pool equipment. <br />Mr. John Barbour, applicant, presented a brief background concerning the building <br />o the house, the relocation or the pool equipment and his lack of knowledge of <br />the ramification of such action without Tam approval. He further noted that <br />most recently he thought the Planning Cru mission would receive new information <br />concerning the placement of the pool equipment in a timely manner; however, he <br />had been traveling abroad and had not been aware of the delays. Mr. Barbour <br />explained his rationale behind the placement of the equipment emphasizing his <br />main concerns, i.e. least impact on the trees on the property and the hydrolic <br />issue. <br />Hardesty Iandsca Architects each explained why in their professional opinions <br />e variance for the pool equipment should be granted. Their presentations also <br />included a discussion of the present locations of the pipes and the trees. <br />Judy Bogard 3003 Country Club Court - Palo Alto, addressed the Council about the <br />variance application before them. The equipment was presently located one foot <br />from her property line. It was noisy and a definite impact on their living <br />situation. She had had discussions with Mr. Barbour and both had agreed on the <br />placement of the equipment fifteen feet from the property line with the stipulations <br />that the equipment would be sound insulated and properly landscaped. Mrs. Bogard <br />particularly emphasized that this matter had been going on for several months and <br />she was most anxious to see it resolved. <br />MDTION smamm AMID FAILED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and failed by <br />the following roll call vote to grant a variance for Lands of Barbour of 15 feet <br />in the setback for placement of the pool equipment. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Dronkert and Councilmember Fuh roman <br />NOES: Councilmembers Ryden and van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Mayor Allison <br />M ICN SECONDED AMID WTTRDRAYN: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and with- <br />drawn to deny the applicant's request for a variance for Lands of Barbour because <br />it does not meet the requirements for the granting of a variance. <br />MDTION. FAILED DUE TO LTCB OF A SECOND: Moved by Dronkert to refer the application <br />for a variance for Lands of Barbour back to the Planning Commission. <br />=ION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Dronkert and passel by <br />t the following roll call vote to approve the variance for Lards of Barbour, 28110 <br />Story Hill Lane, of placement of the pool equipment fifteen feet into the setback <br />area with the stipulation that a $2,000 landscape deposit be paid to ensure appropri- <br />ate landscaping around the pool equipment. <br />Mpa <br />