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CITY COUNCIL HLN= - November 21, 1984 <br />(� E. UNFINISHEDD BUSINESS: Iter 2 - Pathways Status Report (continued): <br />k+ Allison conmerited that apparently this was a transition problem. The Council <br />had earlier directed the maintenance crew to do certain path work which <br />had not been done to date. A brief discussion was held on the possibility of <br />using the cork furlough crows in the Town on the major streets which might <br />give the Town's crew more time for other projects. In addition it was noted <br />that certain projects which had been approved by Council should be added to <br />the major pathway project list (i.e., striping and clearing of bike path on <br />Altamont; striping of path on Old Altos Road; and clearing of Emergency <br />Access Roads), van Tamelen suggested that the pathway project list be posted <br />on one of the 'town's bulletin boards. <br />PASSED BY ODNSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to return to Council at the <br />12/19/84 meeting with a report on the pathway project list and a rccomendation <br />on hoe the situation can be remedied. <br />3. Items Removed from Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: November 7, 1984 <br />PMON SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and <br />passed unanimously by all members present to approve the November 7, 1984 minutes <br />with the following amendments: Page 2, Item D, fourth paragraph, the word 'Trym' <br />in the second line should be changed to 'Sierra Club Foundation'. Paragraph <br />6, Item D, Page 2, should be amended to read as follow: 'Mr. Stephen Stevick, <br />Director of the Sierra Club Foundation, stated that it was not the position of <br />�W the Foundation nor the property owner that the lard did not have open space value. <br />However, it was the position of the Foundation that the open space interests <br />could be further benefitted fon the proceeds of the sale of this land and devoted <br />to open space efforts that are represented by the greater needs. It (the land) <br />does have scenic value. It's open space; it's a rural area. He could not argue <br />that the property had open space value but he could state that if the covenant <br />were lifted open space efforts could better be served in other areas.' <br />1. Reports fon Standing Committees: <br />a) Community Relations Committee: <br />Edward Barnes, Chairman - Commmity Relations Committee, reminded the Council <br />tEF5t on Sunday, November 25, 1984 the Festival of Lights Parade would be held <br />in Los Altos. The Town had a float in the parade for the first time and for <br />Council's information he had accepted an appointment to the Festival of Lights <br />Canmittee for next year. Mr. Barnes also noted that the questionnaires were <br />on file at the Town Hall. Mr. Barnes asked Council for a legal opinion on <br />whether the questionnaires were a public document or confidential. He would <br />like to put an article in the next newsletter so there would be no confusion <br />regarding a resident's response to such a document. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Attorney to prepare an opinion on the <br />level of confidentiality concerning Town questionnaires. <br />-3- <br />