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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 12, 1983 <br />E. CONSEW CALENDAR (continued): <br />Lr M7TICN SECCNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously to authorize the City Manager to request proposals for consulting <br />engineer for various projects in Town as outlined in the 7/11/83 staff report. <br />C. STAFF - REFORCS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Ordinance #269 Flame retardant roofing <br />John Sanders Fire Chief - Los Altos Fire Departmment, supported the continuation <br />of Ordinance #269 as it presently read. He cited examples of the effects of fire <br />retardant roofing and further noted that the LAFD considered all of Los Altos Hills <br />a hazardous fire area. <br />Alma Wood, 12151 Stonebrook, asked for clarification of what types of reefing were <br />presently permitted by the ordinance. Mrs. Wood also noted that for some time she <br />had had serious concerns about the requirement of spark arrestors (and the enforce- <br />ment thereof) and discing in Town. <br />Louise Dronkertmember of the Los Altos County Fire Protection District Commission <br />reported that the Commission had met 7/11/83 and strongly reeca ended not changing <br />Ordinance #269. <br />Lorraine young, Campo Vista, expressed the opinion that the ordinance should be in <br />effect only in the high fire hazard areas; all of the Town should not be restricted <br />because of certain hazardous areas. Lucile McLaughlin, resident, asked why such <br />places as %bedside and Atherton did net have such an ordinance but only recommended <br />fire retardant roofing. <br />Council discussed the ordinance before than. In addition to the cements made <br />during the meeting they also reviewed the Manager's staff reports dated 7/6/83 <br />and 7/11/83. Council agreed not to change the ordinance concerning fire retardant <br />roofing at this time. They did however ask both John Sanders and Louise Dronkert <br />to provide materials on this issue which could be kept at Town Hall and could be <br />available for the residents' information. Such materials should include specific <br />information on the life expectancies of fire retardant roof materials and different <br />types of roofing materials which would be allowed under Ordinance #269 as it was <br />in effect. Both Mr. Sanders and Mrs. Dronkert agreed to put together said materials. <br />� � a. r ••�'�aw'� �h <br />Council discussed the following issues which were directly related to the budget <br />before than: fund balance figures for Matadero Creek Subdivision; appropriation <br />limit; and options for raising revenue such as a tax -override. Regarding the <br />options for raising revenues, Council requested a staff report on this subject at <br />the 7/20/83 Council meeting. Concerning the possibility of a tax -override, it was <br />agreed that the City Attorney would have available at the 7/20/83 Council meeting the <br />information needed for such a tax -override. Tentatively the taxbverride would be <br />specifically for the purpose of storm -related capital improvements and particularly <br />for streets and drainage; would be for a period of three years; and would have <br />different amounts for improved and unimproved lots. It was further noted that the <br />City Clerk would obtain the cost of a special mailing so the Torun could obtain said <br />funds, if approved, by April 10, 1984. Council agreed to further discuss the option <br />of a tax -override at the 7/20/83 meeting- <br />-2- <br />
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