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CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES - July 12, 1983 <br />D. STUDY sEssioN - 1983-84 PROPOSED BUDGET: (continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to authorize the City Manager to request the <br />auditor, at a cost of $40/per hour, to prepare the proper account titles for the <br />Miatadero Creek Subdivision and to assist in the closing of the Town's books. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Perkins and passed unani- <br />mously by all nmmbers present to direct the City Attorney to prepare a revised <br />resolution concerning the appropriation limit for the 7/20/83 Council meeting; said <br />revision to include the statment that the appropriation limit would be adopted <br />with the full knowledge that the Tann would exceed the amount but would readjust <br />the figures within the next five years. <br />Louise Dronlcert 27431 Black Mountain Road, suggested that Council assess the <br />probable results of a tax -override and who would fund such a campaign. <br />Account 41-451 - Suer Department <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to place sewer monies in a <br />separate category outside of the General Fund. <br />MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Moved by Proft to direct Los Altos to <br />assess the Ins Altos Sewer Basin Customers an amount necessary to generate <br />$10,000 for sewer maintenance and repair. <br />Account #1-460 - Parks and Pathways <br />Delete $5,000 in 'other equipment' for the purchase of a sweeper attachment <br />for the backhoe. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to investigate the possibility <br />of a tractor with treads and other options for clearing road paths and report <br />back to Council. <br />Account #1-462 - Cmmmm;ty Services (formerly Cultural) <br />addressed the Council concerning the matter of library support. Mrs. Dronkert <br />distributed materials prepared by the Canmission which included background showing <br />the Hills' support of the libaries over the years. In view of recent conversations <br />Mrs. Dronkert felt it was important these facts were known to residents of Los Altos <br />and Los Altos Hills. <br />Council discussed the proposed $8,000 support for the library in the budget before <br />then. Proft recaamsded the library system be set up under its own taxing agency <br />and further stated that prior to Proposition 13 the library tax rate was 26.6§ and <br />the tax rate for Los Altos Hills had been 30.0§ <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID FAILED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Proft and failed by the <br />following roll call vote to delete the $8,000 library support in Account #1-462. <br />j AYES: Coumcilmebers Allison and Proft <br />�r NOES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilman Perkins <br />ABSENT: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />-3- <br />