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CPPy COUNCIL NINUIT, - August 3, 1983 <br />D. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued): <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Comiittees: none <br />3. Reports from the Planning cmvnission: <br />planning Camtission Kuranoff reported that the site development for the Daughters <br />of Charity had been approved; the issue of possible violation of the home occupa- <br />tion ordinance on the Lands of Ersepke had been referred to the Council; the <br />changes concerning antennas -building coverage were still in the process of review; <br />and the field trip to review the drainage at La Palana had taken place. The <br />Camuission expressed strong concerns regarding substantial downstream drainage; <br />process needed to be reviewed. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To review and evaluate the downstream drainage process at <br />the Site Development and Subdivision stages. <br />4. Crn is from the Council: <br />a) mayor van Tamelen <br />1) Announcement honoring Asian Americans for cammnity involvement <br />M7rION SECDNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Perkins and passed unani- <br />m,,sly by all m mbers present to send a letter honoring Asian Americans for <br />caominity involvaoent. <br />2) Report on RKecutive Forum Meeting held in July <br />van Tamelen reported that the key issues of discussion at the Executive Forum <br />Meeting of the League of Calfifomia Cities were the budget and finances. -A- <br />uiclee-t-ape-had-beaa-e'e��a-€#naxees-wla4ek-�u3�-be-s3�ewa-ta3n>:ex'esaed-gtsafls <br />cenzerning ymya-to-sore-money.* van Tamelen also comented that the Housing <br />Development Office was now working with the cities on housing issues. <br />5. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a)Rosemazy M1eyerott Town Historian, presented a brief background on the <br />gift of historical farm eguipnent and the concept of an agricultural <br />historical park behind Town Hall. Mrs.. Meyerott, who was appointed Town <br />Historian in 1976, further noted that Yvonnne Jacobson, an historian at <br />at the DeAnza College Historical Center, would also be involved in the <br />establishment of such a park. (Unfortunately, Mrs. Jacobson had been <br />unable to attend the Council meeting.) <br />b) Fdvrard Haz'nes Chai.xman - Cam,nity Relations Camdttee, expressed strong <br />interest in the park; be thought it ngortant to understand the past to <br />appreciate the present and plan for the future. The park would provide <br />a central place in Town for residents to meet. <br />c) Arlene Toffe Reed, on behalf of the Taaffe family and the Reed children, <br />presenteI to the Town a gift of a vintage hay baler (about 1900). Council <br />thanked Mrs. Reed for this gesture of good fellowship and comented that <br />j, this historical fan, equip went would be a part of the agricultural historical <br />�w park. <br />* A video tape had been Prepared concerning financing local been Placed on the and <br />a list of ways for local gover mients to save money <br />board in the Council office.-3(AmRMED BY SIL 8/17/83) <br />