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CITY COU CIL MINUFPS - August 3, 1983 <br />•1�1•IY ��•• `I•• �� M It ' I • ri li <br />3. City Attorney-- <br />a) <br />ttorney:a) Opinion regarding drainage at 25541 West Fremont F(Oad <br />The City Attorney reported that in his opinion the Tann had no Potential liability <br />Terni n4 the drainage Problsns stated in Mr. Stock's letter of 3/21/83. The <br />Tawn was not responsible for the installation of the pipe on privateroblens property, <br />or for its size, and cannot nae be held liable for correcting any p <br />resulting fon that installation. In addition, the elevation of Fremont Road <br />was established prior to the Town's incorporation. <br />Mr Paul Stock, oozier of p�erty, stated that he was willing to enlarge his <br />pipe for better drainage but was unable to do anything unless Council approved <br />enlarging the 36" pipe under Fre wont. <br />Mr. William Hartcow ,er of Property, noted that if they built a berm it would <br />flood their neighbors and they did not want to do this and if they go to a larges <br />culvert under Frenont itwould interfere with their neighbor dacnstreen which they <br />did not want to do. Mr. Hart further crnmented the the Tann received monies for <br />stoam drain taxes and he asked what these funds were used for. <br />Paul Nowack, Nowrack and Associates, ounnented that in his opinion until the Edith <br />Avenue Bridge was contrzuctcd the installation of a storm drain systen at Robleda <br />could not solve the problem. <br />PASSED HY CONSENSUS: To review the option of the installation of a storm drain <br />�✓ systen in Robleda Road that would intercept the creek before it leaves Imbleda <br />and could carry the water to Adobe Creek and to report back to Council on cost <br />and feasibility; to obtain a cost estimate on a consulting engineer; arra to <br />request the property owners to assist financially with the proposed solution. <br />F. SPFY'TAT. ORDEFS: <br />1. Request for Final Map Approval, LANDS OF KANE, File FM 46-80 <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed unan <br />mously by all muembers present to adopt Resolution #1574 approving final parcel <br />map and approving and authorizing execution of subdivision agreement. <br />`7 <br />2. Ordinance for Adoption: <br />a) ordinance # the Ins Altos Hills MunicipatiCode <br />tion 2(FIRST 15 oChapter 3 of Title 2 of <br />READING) <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID C"=: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed unani- <br />musly by all menbers present to waive further reading of Ordinance- <br />MOTION <br />ly SECM IDnn AM CO present to introduce ordinance seconded <br />y Perkins and passed unani- <br />-5- <br />