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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES - August 3, 1983 <br />G. SPECIAL ORDERS: (continued) <br />3. Public Hearings: <br />a) Resolution ##adopting the Palo Alto Sewer Service Charge Final <br />Report and autrorizing transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's <br />Office. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIID: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed unani- <br />Irously to adopt Resolution #1575 adopting the Palo Alto Sewer Service Charge <br />Final Report and authorizing transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's <br />Office. <br />b) Resolution #_levying and imposing a special real property tax for <br />ts <br />streeand drainage (tax override - special election) <br />Frank Saul, a 27077 Via ventana, cannented that for every developed lot in Town <br />there had been charge for drainage. He felt these dollars should have been <br />put in a separate fund and a tax override was not appropriate. <br />Ren Phillips Viceof the Finance Committee, presented the unaniurous <br />reconutesdation of the Committee that a tax override was not needed at this time. <br />The Conmittee had reviewed the Town's finances and found the Tann had substantial <br />assets at this time. The Co muttee did suggest a limit of $500,000 on the <br />capital improvement )Widget until more specific review of the finances could be <br />undertaken after the ompletion of the audit. <br />Louise Dronkert, Menber - Finance Camlittee, also spoke against a tax override <br />at this tire. Mrs. Dronkert suggested the Taan wait until it has a conplete <br />financial picture rather than having a tax override new and possibly also need <br />one next year. <br />Michael Ruranoff, 13440 South Fork Lane, and Al Jackson, 26088 Duval Way,each <br />adaressed Council an support of a tax override, enp sizing the critical need <br />for road repairs in Town. <br />Mayor van Tanolen and Councilman Perkins ccnnonted they were personally uneasy <br />about asking for a tax override when there was not an accurate picture of the <br />Tcwn's finances. Mayor Pro Ten Allison noted that as a result of information <br />obtained in the recent weeks he too agreed it was not an appropriate time to <br />place a tax override on the ballot. Proft basically agreed; however, he did <br />express concerns about the coming winter months and several long-term issues <br />that needed to be addressed. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all mendxrs present to table consideration of a resolution levying <br />and imposing a special real property tax for streets and drainage. <br />4. Resolution # calling a special election to be heldin the City of the Town <br />of LOS Altos N11s on December 13, 1983; requesting services of Registrar of <br />Voters; requesting consolidation of elections and specifying certain procedures <br />for the consolidated election. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIM: Moved by Perkins, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to table consideration of resolution calling a <br />Special election to be held in the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />Im <br />
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