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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY 0DWCIL MnOMS - SKember 7, 1983 <br />D. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued): <br />5. Presentations from the Floor: <br />Mrs Alma Wood 12151 Stoneb> asked why a special Council meeting had been <br />held on September' 1, 1983 and also asked what the Town was doing to enforce the <br />requirement for spark arrestors. Mrs. Wood was informed that a Special Meeting <br />had been scheduled because of the need to approve a contract for engineering <br />services for a soils investigation on Page Null Road and Matadero Creek Lane; it <br />was important that work proceed before the winter storms. Regarding the spark <br />arrestors, it was noted that they were on the checklist for new homes but there <br />were no records for all of the hones in Town and the Los Altos Fire Department was <br />not in a position to make such a survey. Mrs. Wood suggested a group such as the <br />scouts be enlisted to check the spark arrestors as a civic project; Allison thought <br />this a good idea and asked Mrs. Wood to investigate hes suggestion further. <br />E. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRRESPOMOKE AM At3IOUNCUAE11TS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Reconrendation. to Council regarding work done of private property <br />The City Attorney, at the request of the City Manager, explained that the expendi <br />ture of public funds must be for the general good and net for private individuals. <br />If the Council wished to adopt a policy regarding this issue the following points <br />should be included in said policy: 1) incidental benefit to private property; 2) <br />`� work done on private property which is specifically legally allowed for; 3) preserva- <br />tion of public health with incidental benefit to private individual; and 4) option <br />of private individual reimbursing the Town for work done on the. property. Allison <br />asked what the groundrules would be if the Town did work on private property and <br />later billed the owner. <br />Frank Saul 27977 Via Ventana, asked if easements were included in the requirements <br />for working on private property and Mr. Richard Gieseker, 25703 Lomita Linda, asked <br />about the status of dedicated property. It was agreed the City Attorney would <br />include both of these issues in his draft policy statement to the Council. <br />PASSED By CONSENSUS: To direct the City Attorney to prepare a written policy state- <br />ment on the subject of work done on private property and return to Council for review <br />at the October 5, 1983 Council Meeting. <br />b) Report on Subventions <br />The City Manager reported that there had been no definite decisions made in Sacra- <br />mento concerning the subventions and the ABB deflator clause. It was possible but <br />unlikely that a decision would be made by the Legislature by September 15, 1983. <br />The City Manager would inform Council as soon as infonmatiOn was available and <br />would also provide Council with a report on the impact on the Town's finances and <br />options that would be available to the Town. <br />Council discussed the need for this information from Sacramento and the need for <br />mugrletion of the Town's audit in order to properly hold the public hearing on the <br />adoption of the 1983-84 budget. Since more information might be available from the <br />Legislature after 9/15/83, Council agreed to change the Public hearing date on the <br />budget to the first meeting in October. <br />-3- <br />
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