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CITY 0DWCIL MINUTES - September 21, 1983 <br />G C. ODNSRNT CAIMMAR (continued) : <br />4r+ hems Removed: <br />Actions of the Planning Crnmission: recamwnded granting of the following: <br />a) LANDS OF MARCUS, File VAR #6-83 <br />Perkins commuted that the property in question had sustained severe damage during <br />last winter's storms and he was concerned about the future stability of the lot <br />and possible legal ramifications if there sere future problems. The City Attorney <br />noted that an agreement could be prepared between the Town and the owner of the lot <br />in question which could clearly define the legal responsibilities. Proft was Con- <br />cerned about the 39' encxoachment into the setback; he wanted clarification that <br />this was the only possible location for the house. <br />Mr. Bernie Marcus, applicant, stated that he too would prefer the house to be Placed <br />in its original ocatwn;75,evar, it was the advice of his experts that this course <br />of action not be followed. Mr. Marcus also stated that he would sign an agreement <br />with the Tuan concerning future legal responsibilities. <br />Mr. Rex Upp, soils engineer, presented slides of the Marcus property and explained <br />reasons orfne proposed location of the house. In his opinion there was no <br />other practical site for the house. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND WITHORAWN: Moved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and withdrawn <br />to set a public hearing for Lands of Marcus at the 10/5/83 Council Meeting. <br />MOTION SEOONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to approve the variance request for Lands of Marcos subject to the <br />mutual approval of a variance agreement. <br />5. Resolution for Adoption: <br />a) Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of an agreenleat <br />between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and A.R. Woolworth <br />and Penny M. Woolworth <br />The City Manager requested that this item be continued pending receipt of certain <br />plans and specifications. <br />MOTION SEOOMED AND CARRIED; Moved by Perkins, seconded by Allison and passed unani- <br />nmusly to continue Item C.5.a) to the next Council Meeting. <br />s�� <br />1. Reports from Standing Committees: <br />a) Camanity Relations Committee: <br />Edward Barnes, Chairman - Ccnvm pity Relations C=Uttee, reported that a joint <br />OWMI ne o wi Ins toe to won on a mncheon honoring outstanding <br />residents of Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. The luncheon was scheduled for 11/18/83 <br />at Shoup Park in Los Altos and letters had been sent to organizations in both Los <br />Altos and Los Altos Hills asking for nominations of citizens who had contributed to <br />the cacmunities. Award pins will be presented at the luncheon. <br />G'i <br />