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CITY CpUNCIL hIINU1RS - October 19, 1983 <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS: continued: <br />w 5. Presentations from the Floor: <br />Frank Saul, Danville, asked when Council could be discussing the resolution <br />concerning private property which had been continued from the last meeting. He <br />was advised it was the next item on the agenda. <br />1. City Engineer: <br />a) Resolution #_adopting a policy concerning the performance of work <br />upon private property <br />M7i'ION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution #1597 adopting a policy concerning the perfon<ance <br />of cork upon private property. <br />b) Status Report on noise problem at Matadero Creek Subdivision <br />The City Engineer reported that all property owners had been notified and to date <br />no further complaints had been received. Proft suggested advising those obtaining <br />building permits what hours of operation were allowed in the Town. <br />c) Report on preparations for winter <br />The City Engineer reported that barricades were on hand and on 10/26/83 a meeting <br />was being held at the Santa Clara Valley Water District to discuss coordination <br />for emergency services (i.e. sand bags, etc.). Perkins suggested the Town have <br />a supply of sand on hand to prevent initial delays in case of an emergency. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to purchase connectors from Radio <br />Shack which would keep the phones ringing during power outages. <br />PASSED BY OONSENSDS: To direct the Chairman of the Disaster Preparedness Sub - <br />ca md.ttee, Mark Raufman, to suggest options regarding storm related power outages <br />for stand-by power at Town Hall and the municipal facilities barn. <br />d) Request to exceed $500,000 capital improvements limit by $40,000 for <br />temporary repairs <br />The City Engineer referred to his report dated 10/5/83 which listed the estimated <br />cost for temporary improvements for several projects. As a point of clarification <br />the City Engineer also tormented that tampDrary repairs were less formal (no bids, <br />etc.) and could be done more quickly than the process involved in preparing for <br />„mane.,+ repairs. <br />MOTION FATT,FSI DUE TO LAK OF A SECOND: Moved by van Tamelen to authorize the <br />temporary improvements as listed in the 10/5/83 city Engineer's report. <br />Allison expressed serious concerns about spending almost as much money for temporary <br />repairs as it would cost for permanent solutions to some of the problems. He <br />specifically referred to the following projects: Adobe Creek, Robleda Road and <br />Black Mountain Road. Allison did not see the rationale in approaching the problem <br />in this manner. <br />C•z <br />