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L1.1 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS July 14, 2005 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE AND SWRYD IING <br />POOL; LANDS OF GOESE; 13480 WILDCREST DRIVE; #90-05-ZP-SD-GD. <br />FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director C. C. <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Approve the requested Site Development Permit, subject to the recommended conditions <br />in Attachment 1 <br />ALTERNATIVE <br />Direct the applicant to redesign the proposed residence to reduce the visible profile or <br />height of the house. <br />The subject property is located on the crest of a ridgeline near the end of Wildcrest Drive. <br />Surrounding uses include single-family homes across Wildcrest Drive to the north, east, <br />and south. A 27,000 sq. ft. new residence (Lands of Evershine) is currently under <br />construction on the adjacent parcel to the west. The applicant proposes to demolish a <br />single story residence with a detached garage on the property and construct a new two- <br />story residence with a garage, basement, and swimming pool. The development proposal <br />also includes a partial re -alignment of the upper driveway and the construction of a fire <br />truck turnaround on the south side of the new building. <br />CODE REOUIREMENTS <br />As required by Sections 10-2.301 and 10-2.702 of the Site Development Code, this <br />application for a new residence has been forwarded to the Planning Commission for <br />review and approval. Criteria for review from the Site Development Code include <br />visibility, building siting, grading, drainage, pathways, landscape screening and outdoor <br />lighting. Zoning Code review encompasses compliance with floor and development area <br />limitations, height, setbacks, and parking requirements. <br />