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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 3, 1982 <br />E B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item B.3a) LANDS OF GIGLI (continued): <br />Council aril staff discussed this requested change and its possible ramifications. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Perkins to change <br />Condition #5, Lands of Gigli, to read as follows: I. . .when all through path. <br />connections are made between Adona Court and Elena Road.' <br />PASSED BY OCNSENSUS: To direct staff to clarify the wording of this condition <br />and to consider the applicant's request later in the Council meeting. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously to table the motion to change the wording of Condition #5, Lands of <br />Gigli. <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS' <br />1. Reports of Standing Committees: none <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: none <br />3. Reports fon the Planning Commission: none <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: <br />Andrew Allison, 27360 Natama Road, presented a report to Council in which he <br />stated that 'a considerable amount of misinformation concerning the history and <br />E likely future of the cost of Sheriff provided police protection had emanated <br />from City Hall of late.' Mr. Allison requested Council and staff to 'refrain <br />from further distortion of the facts relating to Sheriff provided services.' <br />A copy of this letter is on file at Town Hall. <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AM A[VOUNCU=S: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Public Works Communication System <br />The Mayor read a request from the City Manager for authorization to solicit <br />proposals to supply a Public Works communications system and to select a proposal <br />that most closely reflected the Town's needs. <br />Marc KauSnan, 14100 Donelson Place, reported to Council that he, Gordon Penfold <br />and the City Manager had met at length to discuss the original request for a <br />communications system, what was actually needed, frequency allocations, etc. <br />In Mr. Kaufman Is opinion the request before Council had been carefully studied <br />and was reasonable. <br />Council discussed the request before then noting that the statements of the bids <br />must be very clear. McReynolds also suggested that the bids be negotiated as <br />opposed to closed. It was also pointed out that the equipment in question could <br />be used for any go function. <br />-2- <br />