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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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29 <br />CITY CDUNCIL MINOTES - July 9, 1982 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS (continued): <br />and President of the Los Altos Hills <br />the potential buyer go directly to Council at bid openings, thus avoiding the 38 <br />oamuission. He also recommended that guidelines be given when requesting proposals <br />for a principal broker. Mr. seidnan was advised that Council would accept the <br />highest net bid which addressed the potential problem he posed. <br />LouiseDronkert 27431 Black Mountain Road, asked for clarification of the bid <br />process and the effective dates. Perkins noted that it would depend on the <br />agreement reached with the principal broker whether or net the Tuan would con- <br />tinue selling the lots themselves at Council meetings. <br />PDTION SECDDIDED AM CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to direct the staff to prepare a resolution amending the conditions <br />and terms of sale for Matadero Creek to include the following: 1) all bids <br />received for the July 7th auction will allow a 38 brokerage fee for an accepted <br />bid made by a licensed real estate broker; 2) Council will accept the highest <br />net bid; and 3) bid auctions will be scheduled for each Council meeting until <br />such time as Council changes this procedure. <br />MOTION sBWNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously to direct the City Manager to solicit proposals from real estate <br />brokers to act as principal broker for the Matadero Creek Subdivision on the <br />following two basis - exclusive listing and exclusive agency listing. Further- <br />more the City Manager is authorized to negotiate with said firms and to submit <br />his remumendations to the Council as soon as possible. <br />The City Manager suggested that Council provide a vehicle whereby multiple lots <br />could be purchased and a discount given for such a sale. He further remmiended <br />the opportunity for multiple lot sales be made available after the July 7th <br />auction and a specific process determined at such time, i.e. a certain discount <br />for a certain comber of lots. The Assistant City Attorney noted that this would <br />be a legal procedure on Council's part, if they wished to agree on such a pro- <br />cedure. <br />PASSED BY ODNSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to prepare a report on the <br />multiple lot procedure and to submit this report to Council with staff remaren- <br />dations before the next Council meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to find out if the original <br />appraisal of Matadero Creek is still valid and bow much it would cost to update <br />said appraisal. <br />2. Transportation Camdssion <br />Proft reported that the Highway Financing Task Force had recaimended a 3fi/2C gas <br />tax allocation and had not included a sunset clause as the Council had suggested. <br />Council agreed that the 3fi/2C allocation was a better coupranise than going to <br />lane miles and asked Proft to get clarification of the intent of Section V as it <br />was being submitted. <br />`r C. ADJOURNIETP: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 5:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />-2- Patricia Dowd, Deputy City Clerk <br />
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