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CITY NUNCIL MINUTES - October 15, 1982 <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS AM UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />`. 1. Williamson Act Contract - Request from Lards of Kinkead for cancellation of <br />contract - continued to Council meeting on 11/17/82 at request of applicant <br />MOTION SEODNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and passed unani- <br />mously to continue request for cancellation of Williamson Act Contract, Lands of <br />Kinkead. <br />2. Illegal grading by Bob Owen Hines, Inc. (continued from last Council meeting) <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to send an amended bill to Bob Ren Homes for illegal grading at <br />14220 Wild Plum Lane, amounting to five times the normal fee ($200) for the permit. <br />3. Request for stop sign at intersection of Loyola, Camino Hermoso and Ravensbury <br />(continued from last Council meeting) <br />van Tamelen presented a report which described the traffic and safety problems at <br />the above mentioned intersection and possible methods of finding a solution. Since <br />part of the intersection is in the County, they too must be made aware of the <br />situation. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the Mayor to send a letter to Mr. Rollo Parsons, <br />Manager of Reads Engineering Division of the Roads operations, Transportation Agency, <br />asking that the County study this intersection and work with the Tawn toward solving <br />4 the traffic/safety problem. <br />4. Matadero Creek Subdivision - CC&Rs and Conditions of Approval - Request to change <br />Matadero Creek Lane and Matadero Creek Court from private to public. <br />It was noted that the four owners of lots at Matadero Creek had been notified of <br />the proposed change from private to public roads and they had no objections. <br />MOTION SE0014DED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Allison and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #1493 accepting dedication of roads, <br />Matadero Creek Subdivision <br />AYES: Mayor Perkins and CouncilmaTbers Allison, Hillestad and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Councilman Proft <br />5. Matadero Creek Subdivision - Changes to the OC&Rs <br />van Tamelen presented changes to the CC&Rs which had been approved by the Planning <br />Cmmission at their meeting of 10/13/82 and which had been suggested and approved <br />for purposes of clarification only. The City Attorney camien ted that it world be <br />appropriate to consider these changes since they were particularly for clarification; <br />however, in the future any changes to the CC&Rs should be publicly notioed. The <br />City Attorney further ccnnented that each change to the CC&Rs should be recorded so <br />there would be a legal trail; however, a single document could be formed showing <br />appropriate notations of all changes, etc. It was agreed that such a doomient would <br />be prepared by the City Clerk and distributed to the present owners of lots. <br />-5- <br />