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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY OOjWIL MINUTES - October 15, 1982 <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS AMID UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) <br />5. Matadero Creek Subdivision - Changes to the CC&Rs <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanvrously to adopt Resolution #1494 amending the CC&Rs for Matadero Creek <br />as follow: Clause 3. Open Space: 3. Substitute: "Landscaping should be limited <br />to oaks and other species that blend naturally with oaks and the natural terrain. <br />These plants must be chosen frau the list approved by the Towyn. Care will be <br />taken to avoid blocking major vistas." 5. Substitute: "Poison oak, dead vegeta- <br />tion, and other materials constituting a fire hazard may be removed." Clause 3. <br />Conservation Easements: 2. Substitute: "Private low recreational use is allowed, <br />but permanent structures are mt." <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. IGC Report - van Tamelen <br />van Ta len reported on the 10/7/82 meeting of the IGC. In particular, the <br />following items were discussed: 1) On 11/4/82 public hearings would be held <br />concerning hazardous spills legislation. After the hearings and the IGC vote, <br />proposed legislation would be sent to the cities; 2) 'Item was a vacancy on the <br />Emergency Medical Care Committee. van Tamelen asked Council to let her know <br />if they had any recomendations. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: 7trx'eagpe�i-Itsy'E�e`rirepali-tarr44ri�n <br />CL-nndseien. To support the IGC appointment of Roy Lave to the Metropolitan Transpor- <br />tation Comdssion (amended by Council 11/8/82) <br />2. ICC - Financial Evaluation - Hillestad <br />Hillestad presented a report on the financial condition of the Inter -City Council <br />and a list of recomiendations which had been made regarding financial planning for <br />the ICC. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously to approve the following recamendations concerning the ICC: 1) $100 <br />annual dues, payable on or after July 1 with a penalty charged after November of <br />the same year; 2) place mronies in a checking account which pays interest and does <br />not charge for checks written; 3) $150 monthly payment to city providing secretarial <br />support; and 4) continuation of policy of guaranteed reservations (cities respon- <br />sible for no-shows). <br />People Who Care Recycling <br />PASSED By omsENsus: To appoint Councilwoman Hillestad to work with representatives <br />from People Who Care Recycling, and to present a report at the next Council meeting. <br />Flection Signs <br />Allison suggested the adoption of an ordinance regarding election signs. The City <br />Attorney discussed the legal ramifications of such an ordinance and agreed to prepare <br />a draft for Council to review. <br />QS <br />
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