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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 15, 1982 <br />B. MATADERO CREEK SUBDIVISION: Item 2. Lot #18 (continued): <br />`' Council discussed the plans before them and the contingencies requested by <br />the potential buyer. Particular emphasis was placed on the request to increase <br />the height limitation from 550' to 560'. <br />John Knox-Seithe, 27741 Via Cerro Gordo, recommended that the Council reject offers <br />if they were continaent on exceptions being made to the CC&Rs. In his opinion <br />the CC&Rs were a safequard to protect the present owners, the Town and interested <br />buyers and also protected the rural atmosphere of the Town. Mr. Knox-Seithe <br />further noted that the plans before Council had not been available for review <br />by concerned residents. <br />Frank Saul, 27977 Via Ventana, suggested further study of the plans for Lot #18. <br />Mr. Saul expressed concern about the increase in the height limitation to 560'; <br />however, in response to a question from Allison, Mr. Saul noted that he did not <br />see a problem with an increase to 555'. <br />The City Attorney stated that if Council agreed to any changes in the CC&Rs, the <br />present owners should be duly notified. He further commented that the possible <br />actions by Council included acceptance of the offer, rejection of the offer or <br />the presentation of a counter-offer; no commitments by Council were being made <br />in advance. <br />Planning Commission Representative Michael Stewart commented on the philosophy of <br />the Town and stated that the original limitations placed on MDA and height had <br />been imposed for specific reasons. Emphasis had been placed on the rural nature <br />of the Town. Commissioner Stewart expressed concern that with all of the changes <br />being made for each lot, there appeared to be a lack of planning involved regarding <br />the subdivision. <br />NW <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Proft and passed unani- <br />mously by all members present to request the Acting City Manager to present a <br />counter-offer for Lot #18 including the following recommendations: The agreement <br />contingent upon buyer submitting to the Town a modified preliminary site plan by <br />11/19/82 and upon buyer getting preliminary approvals from the Town no later than <br />11/22/82, as follows: a) Matters considered and submitted by Lot Review Committee: <br />extension of construction beyond building circle; extension of construction into <br />landscape easement; increase in height limitation and increase in MDA for residence, <br />tennis court, pool and miscellaneous improvements; b) Acting as Architectural <br />Committee, Council to decide upon information submitted by buyer no later than <br />11/19/82 regarding color of residence and landscape plans. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to schedule a Special Council Meeting for <br />Thursday, November 18, 1982 at 8:00 a.m. to conduct a closed session for personnel. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Allison and passed unani- <br />mously by all members present to schedule a Special Council Meeting for November 22, <br />1982 at 3:30 p.m. to review Lot #18, Matadero Creek Subdivision. <br />-2- <br />