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CITY COUNCIL <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILTC <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, California <br />IN • -+or is <br />Wednesday, December 1, 1982 <br />cc: Feel 140, Tr. I, Side I, 001 -end, Tr. I, Side II, 001-434 <br />Mayor Perkins called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 7:35 p.m. <br />in the Council Chambers of Town Hall. <br />a• eu� y aha • aeirdA;roq <br />Present: Mayor Perkins and Councilnembers Allison, Proft and van Tamelen <br />Absent: Councilwman Hillestad <br />Staff: Acting City Manager Marty Tarshes, City Planner John Carlson, Assistant <br />City Attorney William Hughes, Assistant Planner Pat Wetb, Planning <br />Carnmission Representative Judith Carico and City Clerk Pat Dotal <br />Press: Florence Pallakoff, Los Altos Town Crier; Mary Duenwald, Peninsula <br />Times Tribune <br />Presentation of Certificate to Eagle Scout Reith Van Duzer <br />40 Mayor Perkins presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Reith Van Duzer for his <br />achievements as an Eagle Scout. Mr. Van Dozer has earned 35 merit badges and his <br />most recent project was the installation of a directional sign at Loyola School. <br />Matadero Creek Subdivision - Offers on Lots; Lot #20 - Lot Review Committee Report <br />The City Planner reported that on 11/29/82 the Lot Review Committee had met to <br />review lot #20 and had mace the following reco endations: 1) approval of site <br />development plan with conditions marked on the plans; and 2) approval of residence <br />extending beyond building site circle based on site plan. The lot Review Ca mittee <br />reomue ded denial of the request to increase the NIDA from 7,900 square feet to <br />8,450 square feet. <br />Alan Lambert, 141 First Street, Los Altos, addressed the Council on behalf of the <br />purchasers of Lot #20. He explained the type of house they wanted to build, their <br />reasons for requesting an increase in the NIDA, and the level of the lard at Lot #20. <br />Mayor Perkins, in response to a question from van Tanelen, explained the exceptional <br />circumstances which would otherwise deprive the applicant of the full use of his <br />lard, i.e., location of house on lot. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Allison and passed by the <br />following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #1502 anrzrling the CC&Rs to increase <br />the NIDA for Lot #20 from 7,900 to 8,450 square feet and directing the City Attorney <br />to prepare an amenchent to the CC&Rs extracting the NIDA limits for the lots. <br />AYES: Mayor Perkins and Councilnembers Allison and Proft <br />NOES: Councilwoman van Tauelen <br />ABSENT: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />