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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 1, 1982 <br />L C. SPECIAL REPORTS: 4. Presentations from the Floor (continued) <br />4r Irma Goldsmith, President/Historical Society, presented to the Council a booklet <br />she had prepared on the September 2, 1982 Staff Appreciation Picnic. Mrs. Goldsmith <br />noted what a success the event had been and thanked Council for all their hard <br />work. <br />Doni Hubbard, 25228 IaLaia, reminded Council that the Los Altos Hills Horsenens' <br />Association and Westwind Barn were sponsoring an open House on December 12, 1982 <br />fran 2-5 p.m. at Westwind. Contributions dere requested of canned goods and/or <br />unwrapped gifts for reedy families. <br />Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, reported that IH% had an excellent movie on <br />earthquake preparedness. There was no charge for this movie and Mrs. Stevenson <br />suggested that it be scheduled for showing at some future date and proper publicity <br />be announced so residents could attend. It was suggested Mrs. Stevenson contact <br />members of the safety cmmittee to discuss this matter. <br />Marc Kaufman, 14100 Donelson Place, reported that he would be attending a County- <br />wide disaster preparedness meeting on December 2, 1982. <br />It V` 'Iml• � •J •� " '� I� it M ` 11 I • Mi'Ip�' <br />1. City Manages Reports: <br />The Acting City Manager noted that there was a reed for Council to schedule a <br />meeting to hold a closed session for litigation. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To adjourn to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Thursday, <br />December 9, 1982 at 4:00 p.m. <br />2. Storm Damage <br />Proft asked what, if any, storm damage the Town had incurred during the recent <br />heavy rains. The City Engineer responded that other than some trees which had <br />cane dawn and debris on the roads, there had been no serious damage. <br />�� <br />1. Ordinance #278 of the City of the Town of Ins Altos Hills amending sections <br />5-1.02(j) and 5-1.21 of Chapter 1 entitled "Litter" of Title 5 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code concerning the posting and removal of election signs. <br />(SE()CID READING) <br />MOTION SECCNDED AND CARRIPD: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to waive further reading of Ordinance #278. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tenelen, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to adopt Ordinance #278. <br />-4- <br />