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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 1, 1982 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item 3b) subarea Plan/Chaparral Way/General Plan (continued): <br />Tim Sandia, applicant's engineer, stated that in his opinion the mitigating <br />measures were not needed; the conditions were already required by State Law and <br />by the Tam's Ordinances. <br />Ton McReynolds, 26045 Moody Road, asked that the Council proceed with caution. <br />He expressed concerns that proposed changes were being considered which appeared <br />to relate only to one lot and that no specific study appeared to have been done. <br />The City Planner referred to the 11/23/82 planning commission report which included <br />their recomiendation to add Standard #13 as follows: "In the event that any current <br />or future owner of an existing property within this subarea, as of this date, shall <br />apply to the Town for Site Development Approval, as permitted by Zoning regulations <br />in Section 9-5., of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, not requiring further sub- <br />division of the property, then the proposed development shall be exempt from the <br />following standards: 7, 8, and 10. If further subdivision is required then such <br />exemption shall not apply." <br />The City Planner then referred to the 12/1/82 staff report which recauenled the <br />addition of standard #13 to read as follows: "In the event that any current or <br />future owner of an existing property within this subarea, as of this date, shall <br />apply to the Tom for site Development Approval, as permitted by Zoning regulations <br />in Section 9-5., of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, not requiring further sub- <br />division of the property, then the Planning Ccnmission may exenpt the proposed <br />development from the following standards: 7, 8 and 10. If further subdivision is <br />required then such exemption shall not apply. " The following was also included <br />in the staff reccmTendations: "If a proposed developx t is exempt, the following <br />items must be completed prior to issuance of any permits: 1) An assurance by a <br />Soils Engineer that the proposed development will not cause unstable soils conditions. <br />2) A storm drainage and erosion control plan to insure increased surface water or <br />sediment will not occur on downstream properties. and 3) An Agreement, recorded <br />with the Santa Clara County Clerk, that requires the owner to connect to and par- <br />ticipate financially in storm drain and sewer facilities when they are installed." <br />Tim Sardis, applicant's engineer, gave a brief history of the Horton's attempts <br />to develop their land and requested Council to approve the Planning Commission <br />recommendation before then. <br />Planning Conudssion Fa presentative Carico explained the amend ants to the General <br />Plan which were required before Horton development could proceed and Michael <br />Stewart, Planning Commissioner, noted that the Site Development for the Horton <br />property had gone before the full Planning Commission and they were recommending <br />to Council that the subarea plan be an�nied. <br />Council then held a discussion on the recommendations before them and the following <br />issues were addressed: possibility of an assessment district; drainage - water <br />should flow in natural course to natural basin; possibility of allowing the Horton <br />to proceed with their plans while the subarea plan was being corrected and/or better <br />defined. Allison also requested staff to report on who was hooked up to the sewer <br />lines in the Tanglewood Subdivision and haw much had been paid. van Tamelen noted <br />that conservation easements which were called for were not on the site development <br />e plans and asked the Planning Camussion to look into this. <br />1112 <br />