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CITY CODNCIL MINUTES - Deoenber 1, 1982 <br />G. tM BUSINESS: <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to go past the hour of adjournment and <br />continue the meeting to 12:30 p.m. <br />AYES: Mayor Perkins and Councilnenbers Allison and van Tanelen <br />NOES: Councilman Proft <br />ABSENT: Councilwv an Hillestad <br />1. Lands of Foster, Lot #3, Crescent lane, Appeal of Site Approval and Site <br />Development Expiration <br />The Assistant Planner presented a report dated 11/24/82 which included background <br />information on the appeal for the Lands of Foster and the Planning Commission <br />recommendation that the appeal be approved. Proft stated that he was against the <br />granting of this appeal because he felt these procedures should be followed in a <br />timely manner. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to grant the appeal in regard to an extension of <br />time to oamplete the application for Building Permit and extend the time to begin <br />work under the Site Development so that the Site Development is also still valid with <br />the proviso that the required Building Permit information will follow within thirty <br />(30) days of City Council approval. <br />AYES: Mayor Perkins and Councilnenbers Allison and van Tammelen <br />NOES: Councilman Proft <br />ABSENT: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />2. Lands of Hwang, 25313 La lama Drive, Appeal of Zoning and Site Development <br />Denial for swimming pool and raquethall court. <br />The City Engineer presented a staff report dated 11/29/82 which included background <br />regarding the Lands of Hwang and an explanation of the procedure involved regarding <br />an appeal of an administrative decision. <br />Charles Reed, attorneyfor the applicant, addressed the Council and requested <br />Council approval of the plans as originally submitted by the Hwangs. He noted <br />that his clients had submitted and received approval for a site development plan <br />in March of 1981. Mr. pL d further comented that it was not until after they <br />had built their home that they realized the permit had expired and in:the meantime <br />an ordinance had been passed which changed the limits of development area. Mr. <br />Named showed slides which portrayed where the projects would be placed and what <br />work had already been done. <br />Council discussed the apparant difference of opinion as to what was originally <br />approved on the site plans and the increase in development area which was being <br />requested over what was now allowed. <br />Michael Stewart, Planning Commissioner, suggested that it would be of benefit to <br />the Council to actually see the lot in question. <br />kw MOTION SEOW)ED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Proft and passed unani- <br />mously by all nenbers present to deny the appeal of the Zoning and Site Development <br />Denial for the Lands of Hwang. <br />U <br />