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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21, 1981 <br />B. CONSENT CALUZAR (continued): <br />_ . - ".11 vi a N/ar <br />addressed the Council noting t+—i `^'••— "-- <br />council <br />and emphasizing that the engineering firm would need direction* <br />responded that public hearings would be held at which time the public could <br />Present their ideas for consideration. <br />MOTION SECONDED ADID CARRIED: Dbved by McReynolds,seconded by Nystrom aT0 <br />passed an;,musly by all members present to adopt Resolution #1332 approving <br />and authorizing execution of agreement for subdivision engineering services <br />between the City of the Tuan of IDS Altos Hills and Noaack and Associates, Inc - <br />e) Resolution #approving and authorizing execution of agreanent <br />for geotechnical engineering services between the City of the Taan <br />of Ins Altos Hills and Terrasearch, Inc. <br />McReynolds also asked the City Manager to explain the rationale for selecting <br />this particular firm. The City Manager responded that the sane factors were <br />considered and oonpared for the geotechnical engineering services as for the <br />subdivision engineering services. McReynolds cmrtnented that in studying the <br />proposals he preferred the firm of Jo Crosby. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Pmft and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to direct the City Attorney to prepare a con- <br />tract with the firm of Jo Crosby for Council's consideration at their next <br />meeting. <br />`, AYES: Councilmembers McReynolds and Proft <br />NOES: Mayor Nystrom <br />ABSENT: Comcihnanbers Hillestal and Perkins <br />1. Reports of Standing Camiittees: none <br />2. Reports of Fd Hoc Cacmrttees: none <br />3• Reports frau the Planning Camussion: none <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: mne <br />D. STAFF -REPORTS, DRRESFOfIDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Public Safety Report: <br />The City Manager reported that due to illness Mr. Dennett, Director of Public <br />Safety, Rohnert park could net be present to report to the Council on the issue <br />of public safety <br />McReynolds asked that a special meeting be scheduled when Mr. Dennett could <br />be present. <br />NW -3- <br />