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CITY COUNCIL MIN[ITES - January 21, 1981 <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS CORRESPONDENCE AND XWUNC04EI S (continued): <br />2. City Attorney: <br />a) Saddle Mountain Estates <br />1. Resolution #approving and authorizing execution of an <br />agreanent bet—ween the City of the Town of Ins Altos Hills <br />and BAS Hanes of Ios Altos Hills <br />The City Attorney reported that he had met with representatives of BAS dDMES <br />to work outthe agreement. He noted that a site development Penni <br />t would be <br />required before any further steps could be taken with the lots and Pointed out <br />Exhibit "A" (release agreement ) and Exhibit "B-1" and Exhibit "B-2' of the <br />he <br />agreement which were methods of giving notice to the public that there may en <br />problems with the individual lots. The City Attorney noted that the agreement <br />was keyed into the site development process and he recommended approval. <br />MYi70N SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Nystrom and <br />passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution # 1333 approving <br />and authorizing execution of an agreement between the City of the Town of IDs <br />Altos Hills and BAS Hanes of IDs Altos Hills. <br />The City Attorney further noted that these was before Council for their con- <br />sideration a Resolution accepting certain improvements in connection with <br />Tract No. 6297, Saddle Mountain Estates. <br />The City Engineer reported that he bad inspected the improvements and found <br />then satisfactorily completed. He did recommend however that the requirements <br />to install gate at the end of Saddle Mountain Road to allow access to the <br />emergency vehicle easement and to install architectural pillars be deleted. <br />The City Engineer recommended a barricade rather than a gate and noted that <br />the pillars would be in the right of way. <br />Mrs Ramona Chown 13822 Page Mill Plod, expressed her concerns to the Council <br />regarding these unprovamcuts, specrtically noting the retention basin and the <br />matter of visual concerns. She also asked Council to devote more study to the <br />matter of a barricade versus a gate. <br />Mr RrCkmard Grillo 12143 Hillto Drive a� representative of the developer, <br />noted that the requnranents of the agreement could rot into effect unt>_1 <br />the improvements were accepted. <br />PASSED BY OONSENSLS: Since the City Engineer bad reported that Itan (b) had <br />been completed, it was agreed to delete (b) 'hydroseeding the earthWOrk slopes <br />adjacent to the streets within Tract No. 62971. <br />MDTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously by all members present that with concurrence of subdivider the <br />requirement for a gate be changed to a barricade. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to delete the requirement for architectural <br />%r pillars. <br />-4- <br />