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CITY COUNCIL MINUPFS - February 18, 1981 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) : <br />2. Consideration of Alternate Driveway location - LANDS OF RIO;EN, File TM <br />#2095-79 <br />Due to a possible conflict of interest, Councilwoman Hillestad removed herself <br />from consideration of this matter. <br />Mr. Dexter Ahlgren, applicant's encuneer, reported to Council on the alternate <br />driveway location which had a maximun of 208 slope and asked Council to approve <br />with conditions the lard division based upon the alternate driveway location. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: to return this item to staff for a report and comments <br />and to place the item on the 3/4/81 Council Agenda. <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS ADD ONFINISIM BUSINESS: <br />G. NEW BUSINESS• <br />1. Correspondence from Mrs. Elizabeth Garbett regarding traffic situation <br />at Page All Rural and Paseo del Roble. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Garbett, 13906 Page Mill Rural, addressed the Council concerning <br />the traffic situation at the intersection of Page Mill Road and Paseo del Roble, <br />t Lot #13, resulting frau the construction of an earth berm. Mrs. Garbett also <br />expressed the opinion of several neighbors that visibility was very poor and <br />the traffic problem was dangerous. <br />Council asked staff to investigate this matter and report back to Council at <br />the next Council meeting. <br />2. 'Town Newsletter - editorial review policy <br />Councilman Perkins stated his opinion that the Town Newsletter should have a <br />policy statement. Perkins further noted that controversial items, for example, <br />should be in the newsletter only if both sides are expressed and by signed <br />articles. Councilwanan Hillestad suggested that guidelines hal been con- <br />sidered regarding the Newsletter and a policy had been followed. <br />Mary van Tamelen subnitte3 her resignation as editor of the newsletter which the <br />Council accepted and they thanked her for help in this area. <br />MMON SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by McReynolds and passed <br />m-,usly to direct the Mayor to ask staff to prepare a policy statement regarding <br />the newsletter. <br />3. PASSED BY CONSENSUS: to sena a letter to John Carlson, City Engineer/Planner, <br />appointing him project chief for the school district property which the Town <br />recently purchased. <br />H. ADJOURNT= <br />�+ There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 9:25 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />-5- Patricia Dowd <br />