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CITY COiWCIL MINUTES - March 4, 1981 <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing Cannittees: none <br />Reports of Ad HOC Cs(nittees: <br />a) Status of City Attorney's memo to Council dated 11/10/80 <br />regarding 1980 Lard Use Regulations <br />The City Manager reported that he had met with the Planning Consultant, <br />William Spangle, and had discussed updating the General Plan to comply with <br />state laws and also to update other sections of the General Plan that had <br />not heen changed since it was first adopted in 1975. The City Manager <br />further noted that a proposal from the Planning Consultant was before <br />Council for their consideration. <br />MOTION SEODNDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Nystrom, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously that the Planning Consultant and Town Staff would work together <br />to develop an updated General Plan which would incorporate state laws and <br />which would include the rationale and justifications for such modifications. <br />A draft of this update would be developed in three months, presented to the <br />Planning Caumission for their consideration and submitted to Council for <br />their action. <br />-2- <br />3. Reports from the Planning Commission: none <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: none <br />D. <br />STAFF - REPORTS, ODRRESPONDENCE AMID AlMUNCEMEN1S: <br />1. City Attorney's Report: <br />The City Attorney stated that he did not have a report to present to Council <br />at this meeting. <br />2. City Manager: <br />The City Manager noted that a letter had been received from Dr. Alfredo <br />Ramirez appealing the denial by the Variance and Permit Camiission for a <br />variance at 14123 Tracy Court, File VAR #10-80. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Hillestad and <br />passed unanimously to refer the appeal of the Variance and Permit CaTmission's <br />denial of VAR #10-80 to the Planning Commission for review and report. <br />E. <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Site Development Permit for <br />tennis court/pool/spa, LANDS OF LEE, 12169 Padre Court, File A #4775 <br />The City Engineer presented his staff report dated January 5, 1981 which <br />detailed the background of this application and appeal and which also described <br />the revised plans which had been subnitta3 by the applicant. The City Engineer <br />L <br />also suggested that the followina modifications to the applicant's plans be <br />�r <br />required: 1) decrease the slope of the 21" RCP to 0.238 and 2) increase the <br />number of dry wells for the tennis court to 6 with interconnecting subdrains. <br />-2- <br />