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CITY CDU\CIL MU�UTES - March 4, 1981 <br />kw E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Public Hearing l.a) Lands of Lee (continued): <br />Councilman Perkins noted that the protection of swales was an ongoing respon- <br />sibility of the ca mtnity. In view of this, he asked that the following <br />condition be required. 'the balance of streambed in the property be placed <br />under a storm drain easement'. <br />Amkonv Lamrio applicant's attorney, concurred with the staff report and <br />the reoannendations therein and also agreed with Councilman Perkins' suggested <br />requirement. <br />MOTION SENNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve the Site Developnent Permit for <br />Lands of Lee, File A #4775 subject to the conditions proposed in the 1/5/81 <br />staff report and the recam"ations made by Council. <br />AYES: Mayor Nystrom, Councilmanbers Hillestad and Perkins <br />NOES: Councilmembers McReynolds and Proft <br />ABSENT: None <br />Councilman Proft noted for the record that he voted against this approval <br />because he felt it was not in conformance with the Tam's General Plan and was <br />in violation of the Town's tennis court policy. <br />b) Ordinance # amending Chapter 5 entitled "Zoning" of the IDS <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code by amending subsection Ib) of Section <br />9-5.503 concerning walls and fences (SECOND READING) <br />MOTIDN SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously to continue this item to the March 18, 1981 City Council Meeting. <br />c) Resolution # approving and adopting a path and trail element and <br />amending the General Plan for said City. <br />The City Engineer presented the 2/27/81 staff report which included a copy <br />of the proposed path and trail element with reamnended revisions. A discussion <br />followed concerning the Master Path Plan which was to be filed with the path <br />and trail element in the General Plan. The City Engineer noted that the intent <br />of the map was to skew the ultimate design of paths and trails. Proft noted <br />that in addition to existing paths and trails, those yet to be developed were <br />not specifically indicated but were included to show the future need. McReynolds <br />expressed his preference for an easier document to administer, namely, a less <br />complex map to be included in the General Plan and a more c3nplex map to be <br />worked with by staff. <br />AVION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously to amend Principle #3 of the Path and Trail Element to read: <br />"Except regional bikeways systems, the Town bikeways, paths, and trails are <br />designed primarily for local use." <br />PASSED BY Cl7NSE[6LS: to change Principle #4 of the Path and Trail Element to <br />` real. "Paths should provide easy access wrong areas, neighborhoods, adjoining <br />♦r mads, and cul-de-sacs." <br />-3- <br />