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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 4, 1981 <br />C E. SPECIAL ORDERS: )continued) <br />� <br />V 2. Resolution # amending the schedule of rates for garbage collection <br />and disposal services. <br />Mr. Joseph Renati, President of Ins Altos Garbage Company, presented his <br />proposal to Council for a 218 rate increase. Mr. Renati explained the reasons <br />for this increase and presented background data to Council for their consid- <br />eration. <br />Couuoidmembers discussed various ways the Town could save money in this area: <br />1) the possibility of one clean-up day a year instead of two; 2)recycling; <br />3) curbside service; 4) mandatory service for everyone in Town. The City <br />Manager agreed to report to Council on the effects of mandatory service. <br />Mr. Joseph Renati, President of Ios Altos Garbage Company, further noted that <br />he would be including any educational materials on ways to save in the billings <br />sent to Ins Altos Hills customers and he would be reporting back to Council <br />at a later date on the feasibility of a curbside rate and of recycling projects <br />for the 'Town. <br />MDTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: I+bved by Hillestad, seconded by Nystrom and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #1340 amending the schedule of rates <br />for garbage collection and disposal services. <br />tl� I.M•• ••n a•t O - i31 :f -�a:-C <br />Report from City Engineer concerning traffic situation at Page Mill <br />Read and Paseo del Roble. <br />PASSED BY NNSEDSUS: to continue this item to the 3/18/81 Council Meeting <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />Directing the Mayor to send a letter supporting AB189 to the State <br />Senate. <br />Council noted that they did not have any background materials stating the <br />arguments against supporting this bill. Since they did not have oanplete <br />information regarding this issue, no action was taken. <br />2. Councilman McReynolds introduced the matter of PERS investment policies <br />for Council's consideration. The interest earned was very low; these <br />was no innovative management of the fund and the fund appeared to be <br />poorly managed. Council asked the Mayor to send a letter to the League <br />of California Cities requesting an accounting of the PERS fu -,d, an <br />accounting of their investment policies and a listing of their statutory <br />requirements. The City Manager was to prepare such a letter. <br />3. PASSED BY CONSENSUS: the City Manager is to write a letter clearly <br />defining the duties and responsibilities of John Carlson as the Project <br />Manages for the school district property which the Town recently purchased. <br />H. ADJOURIZ,=: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss the City Cour i adjourned <br />at 9:30 p.m. to a Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 16, �9 1. <br />-5- <br />