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CITY ODUNCIL MINUTES - March 16, 1981 <br />*4w E. <br />SPECIAL oRDERs (continued): <br />3. Public Hearings: <br />a) ordinance # mending Chapter 5 entitled "Zoning" of the Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code by adding sections 9-5.215(l) and <br />9-5.231, and by anenJing subsection (b) of Section 9-5-503, <br />respectively, concerning walls and fences (SEODND REMING) <br />MOTION SEODNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and <br />passed un animo usly by all manbers present to waive further reading of <br />Ordinance #267. <br />Councihnanbers expressed various opinions and concerns regarding the ordinance <br />that was before them: 1) the ordinance would be administered with great diffi- <br />calty; 2) existing fences would not be affected; 3) contained too much archi- <br />tectural control; 4) why wasn't it possible to ban certain types of fences?; <br />5) the possibility of requiring the penuit process to get fencing; 6) clarifi- <br />cation of such terms as "openness" . <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Nystrom, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to refer this item back to the Planning <br />Comission for further consideration including the convents made by Council. <br />b) P:esolution �__approving and adopting aTentTents to the General <br />Plan for said City <br />The City Attorney pointed out that it was necessary that a notice be given <br />regarding the negative declaration. Since no action could be taken until this <br />was done, he recomemded that this item be continued to the April 1, 1981 <br />meeting. <br />MOTION SECONDED AM CARRIED: moved by Nyst�, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously by all mextbers present to continue this itm to tha next Council <br />meeting. <br />Although m action could be taken, the following resident asked to address the <br />Council concerning this matter. <br />O%W <br />Peter Wallace, 27975 Vi ana, suggested that the following phrase not be <br />added to the Paragraph Wmntleu "iesidential Unit No. 1": "arid distributed among <br />the residential lots". Mr. Wallace felt this phrase was too restrictive and <br />further noted that no planning had been done to date on low the open space <br />nature of the school property should be distributed. Mr. Wallace was of the <br />opinion that deletion of this phrase would give the Planning Comnission and the <br />council the opportunity of attaining the goal of open space and ruralness. <br />C) Request for Tentative Map Approval, UANDS OF RIGGEN, File TM #2095-79 <br />Due to a possible conflict of interest, oDmcil�on Hillestad rmoved herself <br />from consideration of this matter. <br />-3- <br />