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City Council Minutes
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7/22/2015 11:03:14 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY ODUCIL MINUTES - April 1, 1981 <br />D. STAFF - REPORrS, CORRESPONDENCE AM ANNOWnENrS: I- City Manager (continued): <br />c) Request from little League to use the Municipal Facilities <br />Building on April 25, 1981 <br />The City Manager stated that he had received a request from the Little League <br />for permission to use the outside area of the Municipal Facilities Building <br />on April 25, 1981 for their opening day celebration and a white Elephant Sale. <br />(It was probable that the items for the sale would be stored inside the building <br />until the sale began.) The City Manager further noted that the Little League <br />carried their own insurance policy to cover such events. <br />MOTION SBCONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />by all manbers present to approve the use of the Municipal Facilities Building <br />by the Little League on April 25, 1981. <br />E. SPE= ORDERS: <br />1. Request for Final Map Approval, LANDS OF PRILBRICK, Tract #6928 <br />The City Engineer noted for Council's information too changes that had been <br />made: 1) the form of security had been changed from an Instrument of Credit to <br />a Certificate of Deposit and 2) at the request of the Pathway C3nnittee, the <br />path on LaPalcma will be moved back from the curb (This change will be made <br />on the final map.). <br />f4w MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Perkins and <br />passed by all members present to adopt Resolution #1343 approving final sub- <br />division map and approving and authorizing execution of subdivision agreement <br />as amended. <br />2. Request for EncmaclTnent Permit, LANDS OF WII&UNSON, Tract #2056 (con- <br />tinued from 3/16/81 meeting) <br />David Wilkinson, 26343 Esperanza Drive, addressed the Council concerning his <br />request for an encreacrment pemit. ne noted that his lot was relatively <br />narrow and backed onto Ascension and he wanted the fence to help protect his <br />family arid animals. He further remarked that his request was for a fence 11' <br />into the public property because he wanted to curtail the area fron being filled <br />with debris, and, in his opinion, plantings would not solve this problem for <br />many years . Mr. Wilkinson did state that he had contacted a landscape arcbi- <br />tect but they had found it difficult to arrive at a set of landscape plans <br />because they were unable to determine where exactly the landscaping should start. <br />Councilmembers Proft and Perkins expressed serious concerns regarding the fence. <br />They noted that the fence should not be on the street side and should be kept <br />from being the visible structure from tie mad. Councidwraian Hillestad expressed <br />the opinion that a rustic fence sufficiently landscaped would be appropriate. <br />%W -3- <br />
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