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CITY COUNCJL MINWES - April 1, 1981 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: 2. Lands of Wilkinson (continued): <br />MTION SE03DDED AM FAILED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Perkins and <br />failed by the following roll call vote to approve the encroachuent permit <br />for Lands of Wilkinson subject to the applicant working with staff on specifics <br />regarding landscaping and fencing. <br />AYES: CDuncilwnman Hillestad <br />NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Proft and Councilman Perkins <br />ABSENT: Mayor Nystrom and Councilman McReynolds <br />MOTION SBaWED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed <br />by all members present to approve the encroachnent permit with the stipulations <br />that the enc:roaclment on the 2/17/81 map be no more than was indicated on said <br />map and the fence shall be three feet (3') inside the edge of the planting <br />toward the property. <br />MDTICN SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed <br />by all members present to adopt Ptesolution #1344 accepting certain encroachment <br />permit and ordering recordation thereof <br />3. Public Hearings: <br />a) Resolution # approving and adopting amerrhents to the General <br />Plan for said—C—.ty <br />The City Engineer presented a brief overview of the project schedule and gave <br />the background to date of the Lands of Los Altos Hills subdivision. He further <br />stated that the proposed amexr1ment reduced the level of use of the parcel by <br />eliminating the school site and restricting the number of lots an said parcel <br />and the impact upon the environment was reduced from that originally contemplated <br />by the current C�eneral Plan. It was the reonnuendation of the staff and the <br />Planning Commission that the Council adopt a negative declaration and the amend- <br />ments to the Ceneral Plan. <br />Dian��'L <br />tem a <br />,i11111,,11ara 1, asked Council to continue consideration of <br />this I i� ;uld be further studied. She was net pleased with the <br />proposed subdivision and felt there should be more open space. <br />R -t W ljgk27�1� Via Ventanal A� and Nick Ward, 279 7 =a�a, each <br />TN 4- <br />addres�, tn questions concerning the Negative D;Z �a Mr. <br />Wallace expressed the opinion that an Environmental Impact Report should be <br />considered and nay in fact be reguired; he felt more input was needed. Once <br />again he reiterated his previous request,and the Wards supported this request, <br />that the following phrase net be added to the Paragraph entitled "Residential <br />Unit No. I": "and distributed among the residential lots". <br />The City Attorney stated that the Negative Declaration being considered was <br />only for the land formerly designated as the school site on the property; it <br />did net deal with the subdivision of the property. A negative declaration <br />dealing with that aspect would be handled at a later date with the tentative <br />%W map. <br />-4- <br />