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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 20, 1981 <br />t E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Public Hearing l.a) I7NDS OF WILSON (continued): <br />Maurice Sheet=. 27591 Purissima, Melvin Hawley, 13441 Robleda and Jack <br />and the result could be advantageous to the Town. <br />Council had several questions regarding the rules of cancellation with particular <br />emphasis on the aspect of open space. Clarification was needed on law the issue <br />of 'public interest' would be addressed. <br />MOPION SECONDED AM CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Hillestad and <br />passed rmandmously by all members present to send this request for cancellation <br />back to the staff (including the City Attorney) and for the applicant and staff <br />to work together to arrive at the public interest criteria concerning this <br />application. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to continue the public hearing on Lands of <br />Nilson request for cancellation of Williamson Art Contract to the second meeting <br />in June. <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. Clarification of Project Manager - Matadero Creek Subdivision <br />4W MDTION SECDNUED AND FAILED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Nystrom and failed <br />by the following roll call vote to continue this iter. <br />AYES: Councilmanbers Hillestad and Nystmn <br />NOES: Mayor Proft and Councilman McReynolds <br />Proft questioned exactly who hal the responsibility of Project Manager for the <br />project and to whrm that person directly reported. Council agreed it was a <br />technicality but should be clarified to avoid future confusion. <br />MOPICN SD_DN)ED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by McReynolds and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to appoint the City Manager as Project Manager <br />for the Matadero Creek Subdivision and to stipulate that he will report directly <br />to the City Council. <br />2. PASSED BY CONSEMSUS: Due to several conflicting schedules, Council agreed <br />to hold the second meeting in June on Monday the 15th rather than Wednesday <br />the 17th. <br />-4- <br />