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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1981 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: E.2.b) LANDS OF FOWLE (continued): <br />r ---- .. 11nQ7 n1A M11 arurl_ Mr_ .iaek Simon. 27075 Old <br />Road, Palo Alto each supported Mr. Fawle's request nor 1�u11 u1� <br />Williamson Act Contract. They all agreed he had carefully considered the rural <br />and historical nature of his property and had generously provided for the public <br />interest. <br />Mr. Samuel Jackson, 12800 Diane Drive and Denis Hollwedel, 12360 Priscilla Lane <br />spoke against the cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract for the Fowles. <br />They expressed concern for the protection of open space and wondered if this <br />action would not be setting a precedent. <br />The City Attorney outlined the steps necessary prior to a cancellation. Referring <br />to his 5/15/81 memo, the City Attorney further stipulated that Council should <br />state their findings with respect to their decision and should include these <br />findings to demonstrate how the decision was reached. <br />Councilman Perkins referred to Resolution #661 which was adopted on 2/22/72 and <br />quoted the following: "1. It is the policy of the Tuan to encourage the use of <br />the Acts (Williamson Act and Chapter 6.5 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Califor- <br />nia coveriment Code) by those awning open space within the Town. 2. It is in the <br />public interest, and the public benefit is best served by utilizing the Acts to <br />secure the maximum possible amount of limited term open space for reasonable time <br />periods. and 3. To ingrlement the foregoing statements, it is the policy of the <br />Town that, within the limitations of the Acts, termination of agreements and aban- <br />donment of open space easements will be granted on a reasonable and equitable <br />basis." <br />MOTION SECONDED APED CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to direct the City Attorney to prepare a <br />resolution granting the petition of John Fowle for cancellation of his Williamson <br />Act Contract, based on the following findings of fact: 1) Because of the small <br />size of this piece of property and the high labor rate, the agricultural use of <br />this property is not economically feasible; 2) The City of Palo Alto and the <br />property adjacent to this parcel is industrializing and at a much more intense <br />pace than anticipated. With this growth the problem of housing in the area is <br />beaming more critical; and 3) The applicant's offer of a scenic corridor shall <br />be independent of any condition placed on the possible subdivision of the property <br />NOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to waive the cancellation fee concerning the <br />Lands of Fawle - cancellation of Williamson Act Contract and to stipulate that <br />the applicant shall pay for all improvements for the scenic corridor which shall <br />be done to the standards of the Town and for the benefit of all the Town's resi- <br />dents. <br />-q- <br />