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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 18, 1981 <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) <br />1. Lands of Bellucci, File #TM 2104-79, (continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Perkins <br />and passed unanimously to send the Lands of Bellucci request for <br />change in access to the Planning Commission for review at their <br />December 9, 1981 meeting, with the following alternatives: 1) applicant's <br />access proposal; 2) staff's access proposal and 3) access over the <br />existing bridge from Moody Road to Parcel 2. This item will be re- <br />turned to the City Council at their meeting of December 16, 1981. <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. Mayor Proft appointed a committee from the Council Function to <br />review the matter of Public Safety, Police, Fire and Emergency <br />Services to work with the Director of Public Safety. Appointed <br />to the committee were: Councilman McReynolds - Chairman; <br />Mayor Proft as second member. This committee will work with <br />the Director of Public Safety on matters brought up at City <br />Council meetings, to serve as a direct link to the City Council. <br />2. McReynolds suggested that staff begin working on setting a time <br />for a Disaster Meeting, feeling it should be held in the very <br />near future. <br />3. The City Council then adjourned to Closed Session for Personnal <br />/`. and Litigation at 9:40 p.m. and reconvened at 11:25 p.m. <br />H. ADJOURNMENT: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council <br />adjourned at 11:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Leslie Penfold <br />Engineering/Planning Secretary <br />-5- <br />