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CITY CO[AICIL MINUPFS - January 16, 1980 <br />B. CONSENT CAL MAR (Continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: hovel by Mayor Pro Tan Proft, seconded by <br />Councilwoman Hillestad and passed unanimously by all nonbers present to <br />approve the balance of the Consent Calendar, specifically: <br />1. Approval of Minutes: January 2, 1980 <br />2. Approval of Warrants: $24,481.92 <br />3. Time Extension Requests: <br />a) Request for extension to March 15, 1980 for Planning Commission <br />consideration, LANDS OF WFSTWIND DEVF,IDPMWT, File TM #2103-79. <br />b) Request for extension to March 31, 1980 for Planning Commission <br />consideration, LANDS OF MANUEL, File TM #2101-79. <br />4. Motions for Adoption: Motion setting February 6, 1980 as the Public <br />Hearing date for the following Tentative Map Applications: <br />a) LANDS OF RICA, File TM #2095-79 <br />5. Proclamations & Resolutions for Adoption: <br />a) Proclamation for March as "Red Cross Month: <br />b) Resolution #1258 accepting certain improvements in connection <br />with Parcel Map 434 M 10 & 11, LANDS OF CIAUDE. <br />c) Resolution #1259 anending Resolution #233 to delete a one-way <br />section of Fre nt Road. <br />4 Council then opened discission on the following items as removed from the <br />Consent Calendar. <br />4. Motions for Adoption: Motion setting February 6, 1980 as the Public <br />Hearing date for the following Tentative Map Applications: <br />b) LANDS OF PHILBRICK, File #TM #2102-79 <br />Council questioned Mr. Riley's letter dated January 11 in which he asked the <br />Council hearing be set for February 16. City Manager reported that this was <br />a typographical error on Mr. Riley's part and that Mr. Riley's request was <br />actually for the next Council meeting, February 6th. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Councilwaman Hillestad, seconded by <br />Councilman Nystrom and passed +n+anumusly by all members present to set <br />February 6, 1980 as the Public Hearing date for the Lards of Philbrick, File <br />TM #2102-79. <br />6. Actions of the Planning Crnmission: <br />a) Recrnmende3 approval of Site Approvals for Two Lots, LANDS OF <br />CLASS, Files SA #6101-77 and SA #6102-77. <br />