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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 16, 1980 <br />B. CONSENT CALRUAR (Continued) <br />4W 6. b) Recanme-ded approval of Site Approvals for Two lots, LANDS OF <br />CIOSS, Files SA #6101-77 and SA #6102-77. <br />V <br />Mr. Nowak, Applicant's engineer, sought clarification regarding the payment <br />of subdivision fees. He noted that the January 11, 1980 report from the <br />city planner to the city manager recamended that the standard subdivision <br />fees be applied - totaling approximately $16,000 - but that on the Conditions <br />of Approval all but approximately $475 had been waived. <br />The City Planner reported to Council that his reports included the road -in - <br />lieu and path -in -lieu fees for their information if they decided that they <br />were applicable to these Site Approvals. <br />Councilwoman Hillestad asked if these fees could be waived until the improve- <br />ments were actually made. The City Manager responded that a docunent would be <br />recorded stating that certain fees would be due if the property were sold. The <br />City Attorney stated that such an agreement should stipulate that the fees would <br />be paid at the time of the building permit or at some specified date in the <br />future. <br />Mr. Noack, Applicant's engineer, stated why the Planning Cmvdssion had agreed <br />to waive the fees. This was a legally approved subdivision 13 years ago; Mrs. <br />Closs was not the original developer nor did she have any intention of developing; <br />she had given 1 lot to the Mid -Peninsula Open Space District, had made 1 lot out <br />2, thus reducing a possible 4 lots to 2. He also noted that retaining the gravel <br />road maintained the rural character of the area and the road was in excellent <br />condition in its present state. <br />Coumcilmanbers Perkins and Hillestad expressed concern about waiving fees in <br />connection with a gift - gift deeding should not be a consideration. Planning <br />Commissioner Rydell pointed out that the Planning Commission did not consider <br />the gift situation a factor in waiving the fees. In response to a question <br />from Councilman Nystrom, the City Manager responded that the fees were not paid <br />at the time of the original subdivision because the Town did not have such fees <br />at that time. Mayor Pro Tem Proft seeking clarification of a point, was told <br />that the road being offered for dedication was currently a private road with <br />the Neary property having an easement over the road and the recawaandation of <br />the Planning Commission was that Mrs. Closs offer for dedication a 60' wide <br />easement as a public road. <br />Mrs. Closs, Applicant, stated that the proposal of the gift to the Open Space <br />District was to p the lard open. It had nothing to do with the waiving of <br />fees. Mrs. Closs further asked about the dedication of the road as a public <br />road. For years it had been a private mad with an easement to the Neary <br />property. It had not been offered to the City nor had the City ever maintained <br />it. Was it necessary to offer it as a public road? Mrs. Closs further asked <br />if the owner could apply the fees against a road or did the city get the fees? <br />Mayor Pro Tan Proft replied that if fees were required, the responsibility for <br />the road would be the city's. <br />ae <br />