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„` <br />CITY COUiCIL MINUPES - March 5, 1980 <br />G. NEW BUSINESS• <br />The City Attorney's memo regarding barking dog complaints - continued to next mtg. <br />Abandonment of Lowell Avenue - no action by Council necessary at this time. <br />Letter from the Palo Alto School District regarding the acquisition of school <br />sites. The City Manager reported that now this was an informational item only. <br />The Town developments. <br />Mayor <br />an interest in the property and asked to be kept informed <br />of developmen ..:. <br />Mayor McReynolds, speaking as a member of the Transportation Commission, reported <br />on a hill before the senate which would provide for an independent transit dis- <br />trict board - not one subordinated to the County Board of Supervisors. He urged <br />Council to support this bill and to discuss it at the next ICC Meeting. <br />Mr. Proft referred to the City Manager's Report which stated, in part, that the <br />City of Palo Alto had allowed Stanford to relocate the overhead facilities along <br />Arastradero to the Los Altos Hills side of the street but still in Palo Alto city <br />limits. The City Attorney stated that since it was within their city limits, our <br />only recourse was a letter of protest. <br />=ON SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Nystrom, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to send a strong letter recounting all the <br />details and protesting this action to the Mayor of Palo Alto from Mayor <br />McReynolds. <br />Mr. Proft asked for an update on the Rancho Murietta Subdivision. The City <br />Manager reported that an on-site meeting had taken place including the City <br />Manager, City Engineer and the Soils Engineer and that another meeting was <br />going to be scheduled including the subdivider. <br />Dr. Perkins asked about the storm drainage on 11511 Summitwood Road. The City <br />Engineer reported that there is a problem due to a lack of plans but he has <br />been in communication with the owner. <br />Y.� 'ya 111 1WP1W <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 10:40 P.M. <br />-5- <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Da.,d <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />