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QTY ODUNCIL MINUTES - April 15, 1980 <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, C)D= OMENCE & RMLINCII+IENTS: (continued) <br />4W 1. City Manager: <br />b) Proposal frau los Altos Fire Protection Oamussion <br />The City Manager reported on the proposed amendment to the agreement for <br />fire protection services between Los Altos County Fire Protection District <br />and the city of 1,os Altos. This amendment would add additional taxes to <br />cover any loss of revenue due to Proposition 13. <br />Mayor McReynolds further cminented that there were several problems with the <br />present fire protection service: very expensive; even more expensive if taxes <br />are increased and no choice in the kind of protection we receive. Other <br />alternatives should be investigated which might be more reasonable in cost <br />and might better suit our specific needs (i.e. we have no stores, cluster <br />buildings, etc.) Such alternatives would include: our own fire protection; <br />renewal of the current contract or private fire protection services in other <br />areas. The Mayor asked the City Manager to prepare a report for the Council <br />comparing the alternatives, providing a cost study and presenting a proposal <br />regarding our awn fire protection system (fire protection and police services - <br />dual program). <br />City Attorney: <br />a) Claim - Wallace Such <br />4Wsent <br />City Attorney remnnended that the claim of Wallace Such be rejected and <br />sent to our Los Altos Insurance Company, Flamer & Company. <br />MOTION SDOONDED ADID CARRIED: Moved by Nystrom, seconded by Hillestad and <br />passed unanimously to reject the claim of Wallace Buch. <br />b) Resolution #1276 appointing William H. Hughes as assistant City <br />Attorney for the City of the Town of Ios Altos Hills. <br />MOTION SEDMIDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #1276 appointing William H. Hughes as <br />assistant City Attorney for the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Public Hearing: <br />a) Ordinance #262 amending Article 3 of Chapter 9 entitled "Sub- <br />divisions" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by <br />adding Section 9-9.311 thereto. (FIRST READING) <br />The City Attorney reported that presently if there was a certificate of compli- <br />ance it was issued by the City Manager. However, it was considered important <br />that Council be aware of the process and determine if certificates were necessary. <br />