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Reglar Meeting Minutes
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QTY COUNCIL MINUTIE5 - May 7, 1980 <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE & ANNDUN0av1ENPS: 2.a) City Engineer (continued) <br />4W Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, 12838 Concepcion Road, explained why they felt these <br />drainage problems were the Town's responsibilities. <br />Councidmeobers expressed concern that there was not enough information <br />available to make a decision on the drainage problem at 12838 Concepcion. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously to continue this matter giving the Curtis' the opportunity to study <br />the City Engineer's report and attempting to resolve the matter with the City's <br />staff. If it can't be resolved, they are to return to Council. <br />Mrs. Larin, 12720 Dianne Drive, referred to her letters dated April 1 and <br />May 1, 1980 to Council explaining the storm drainage easement on her property. <br />She further explained to Council why she felt this situation should be corrected <br />by the Town. <br />The City Attorney stated that regarding these drainage inquiries, there was <br />m evidence that the City was responsible and he supported the City Engineer's <br />reaaanenlation in each case. A potential property owner had the obligation to <br />fully investigate the property and when making improvements on property one is <br />responsible for any possible side effects. The City Attorney went on to say <br />that a resident could file a claim with the City. If accepted, it would be <br />paid. If rejected, it would be sent on the City's insurance carrier. <br />( 3. City Attorney's Report: The City Attorney stated that he did not have a <br />`, report to present to the Council. <br />Andrea Allison, 27360 Natuna Road, spoke before Council concerning his complaint <br />about barking dogs. The City Attorney responded that the Town had adopted by <br />reference Santa Clara Ordinance Nb. NS -600 relating to animals. The City could <br />direct the City Attorney to brina about civil action against an individual but <br />rot criminal action. The City Attorney recommended. that the irdi.viduals con- <br />cerne3 attempt to resolve the matter. <br />PASSED By CONSENsus: Not to discuss this item any further at this meeting <br />since it was not placed on the agenda. <br />ra Inns E Waa4 WIT W610aI-T <br />Ordinance #262 amending Article 3 of Chapter 4 entitled "Subdivisions" <br />of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by Priding Section 9-4.311 <br />thereto. (SECOND READING) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously to waive further reading of Ordinance #262. <br />MOTION SEOONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Ordinance #262 by title. <br />-4 <br />
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