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CITY CAUNCIL MINUTES - June 4, 1980 <br />G. NEW B[BIMESS (continued): <br />4. The City Manager reported on the fire district contract. The Fire <br />District Board had reoafinerde3 to the Board of Supervisors that an <br />election be held in November to assess each property owner additional <br />charges to pay for the deficit in the cost of the fire contract. This <br />amendment to the contract would be acted upon by the Board at their <br />meeting of June 24. Council asked that this item be placed on the <br />next Council agenda with the current status of the situation. <br />Councilman Perkins asked the City Manager to provide a track of all <br />fire district revenues for the past 10 years shDaing all the revenues <br />it received and how they were spent. Perkins also asked staff for a <br />time chart regarding the public safety issue. Perkins also noted that <br />concerning public safety there was an urgent need to broaden the base <br />and to assimilate information. He suggested that the Mayor take under <br />serious consideration the establishment of an Ad Hoc Carmittee regarding <br />public safety. <br />The City Council then adjourned to Executive Session for Personnel at 8:40 p.m. <br />and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. <br />WINElSli3�515�IIF <br />These Lying no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 9:11 p.m. to an Adjourned Meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 11, 1980. <br />re <br />Li <br />Respectfully sutmitted, <br />Patricia Dad <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />` -4- <br />