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QTY COW]CIL MINUTES - June 18, 1980 <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) <br />2. Reports of Pd Hoc Committees: <br />Nus. Hillestad noted that she and Dr. Perkins would be meeting June 19 with <br />Planning Commissioners Rydell and van Tamelen to discuss the Tennis Court <br />Policy Statement. <br />3. Reports from the Planning Camnission: <br />a) Proposed zone change by the City of Palo Alto for Arastradero Road <br />Planning Commissioner Dochnahl expressed the concern of many Los Altos Rills <br />residents regarding the land use changes on Arastradero Road. He suggested a <br />committee be formed, including the City Manager, to be present at the Palo Alto <br />meetings on this subject and to keep up-to-date on this issue. Planning Commissioner <br />Michael Stewart will be attending these meetings. <br />Mr. Joseph Seiger, 27087 Old Trace Lane, spoke on behalf of many residents con- <br />cerned about the proposed zone change. He asked that they be given all the details <br />of what was going on from Palo Alto and the opportunity to discuss the matter in <br />detail with those involved. <br />Mr. Paul Borg, 13952 Carillo Lane, stated that he and his wife were against any <br />proposed zone change on Arastradero Road. <br />Nus. Carico. member/Planning Commission, stated that she had met with the Palo <br />Alto Planning Department and had .found than to be very helpful. She was informed <br />an Nivironmental Report would be done and that they had asked Stanford to prepare <br />a complete study but this study may not be canpleted for a year. <br />9. Presentations from the Floor: none <br />The City Council then adjourned to Executive Session for Litigation at 8:35 p.m. <br />and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. <br />� •a•�•a u••a. •� ua ■ � i • •a is <br />City Manages: <br />a) Fire District Contract <br />The City Manager reported on the proposed anendment to the Fire Agreenent which <br />would require a one year cancellation clause, provide for the possibility of a <br />special tax election to pay the deficit, and if a special tax levy did not take <br />place, the City of Los Altos would have first call on future revenues fon the <br />District. He noted that this would be brought before the Hoard of Supervisors <br />the week of the 23rd. <br />Councilmenbers asked that the six-month cancellation clause be kept rather than <br />the change to onc�year. They also expressed concern about the increased rates; <br />who was responsible for the debts incurred and stated that action must be taken <br />to resolve the situation and provide for good future service. <br />-3- <br />