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CITY C OLNCIL MINUTES - July 2, 1980 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) <br />2. Public Hearings: <br />a) Request for Tentative Map Approval, LANDS OF RICA, File TM #2095-79 <br />Due to a possible conflict of interest, Councilwoman Hillestad removed herself <br />from consideration of this matter. <br />The City Engineer presented his report and recommended adopting the Negative <br />Declaration with the following four mitigating measures: (1) Storm drainage <br />improvements to carry water from improvements to Chaparral Way; 12) Landscaping <br />for erosion control; (3) Conservation easements for lard over 408 and swales over <br />308; and (4) All drainage and underground facilities shall be installed in a <br />manner to prevent erosion. <br />In response to questions from Councilmemmbers, the City Engineer made the following <br />comments: (1) this property had the sane detail regarding storm drainage as the <br />adjoining property; conformed to the subarea plan element study; (2) there were <br />easements to cover offsite drainage down from the property between Chaparral & <br />Moody and between Moody and Adobe Creek; (3)there would be no additional crawling <br />outside roadway and additional grading necessary to correct driveway grade would <br />be taken up in retaining walls which were shown on the Tentative Map. Council <br />requested that a 5th mitigation measure be added to read: Any further grading <br />on the road to modify the profile will require use of retaining walls within the <br />258 limit. <br />In response to a question from McReynolds concerning the rationale behind not <br />requiring an Environmental Impact Report, the City Engineer stated that with the <br />mitigating measures and the four reasons stated in his 12/12/79 staff report, it <br />was not felt an FSR was necessary. He further noted that the applicant had hired <br />a traffic engineer and that one of the recommended conditions of the tentative map <br />was a barrier designed by a traffic engineer for the area on the south side of <br />Chaparral Way. McReynolds still had concerns about the driveway, namely, the <br />slope was in excess of 25% and the ordinance states it should be less than 20%. <br />Proft referred to the 2/6/80 City Council Meeting Minutes and received Council's <br />concur-_ence that three of the four issues had been taken care of, namely, grading <br />(other than the driveway), drainage and more detailed improvement plans. Regarding <br />driveway safety Nystrom asked the City Engineer to note what changes had been <br />made since the last map. The City Engineer responded that the last map had a <br />different approach configuration to Chaparral Way and the grade didn't flatten <br />out before it met Chaparral Way. Since then the traffic engineer had reeamiended <br />flattening of 58 grade, striping, hots dots, etc. <br />M3TION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Nystrom and failed by <br />the following roll call vote to adopt the Negative Declaration, LANDS OF RICA, <br />with the five proposed mitigating measures. <br />AYES: Mayor Nystrom and Councilman Perkins <br />NOES: Councilmembers McReynolds and Proft <br />PRESENT: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />4W Mr. Proft noted, for the record, that his negative vote was based on the question <br />of safety of the proposed driveway as it relates to human beings. <br />062 <br />