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CITY CbiINCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1980 <br />i D. STAFF - REPORTS, ODRRESFOND NCE AMID ANMUUNCEMENIS: (continued) <br />2. City Manager: <br />a) Fire District <br />4w <br />The City Manages reported that although a preliminary report had been received, <br />the complete consultant's report would not arrive for a couple of weeks. When <br />all of the information had been received from Rural/Metro, a report would be <br />presented to Council. <br />Geraldine Steinberg Board of Supervisors and William Siegel, County Executive, <br />explained to Council that a special three-year tax override measure will be placed <br />on the Novenber ballot. The County Board of Supervisors had approved this measure <br />on August 5, 1980 stating it was necessary in order to maintain the current level <br />of service and to cover the budget deficit. A two-thirds majority will be necessary <br />for the measure to pass and Ios Altos Hills represents 748 of the Fire District. <br />Supervisor Steinberg urged Council's support of this measure but was net asking for <br />any formal action on the Council's part. <br />PASSED BY CONSENS[S: It was agreed that all questions and information regarding <br />the Fire District would be channeled through Councilman Perkins and he would see <br />that the Council received all of the up-to-date details. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Request for Final bffip Approval, LANDS OF THOMPSON, File TM #4-80. <br />MOTION SECIDNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #1299 approving final <br />parcel map for the Lands of Thompson and approving and authorizing execution of <br />subdivision agreement. <br />MDTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins arra passed <br />unanimously by all members present to adopt Pesolution #1300 approving and author- <br />izing execution of private road maintenance agreement between Virgil D. Thompson <br />and Brenda Thompson, and the City of the Town of Ins Altos Hills. <br />MOTION SE03MIDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />umanimously by all members present to direct the City Engineer to have the quit <br />claim filed simultaneously with the parcel map. <br />Public Hearings: <br />a) Consideration of proposed use of Revenue Sharing Buds for 1980-81 fiscal <br />year. <br />The City Manager reported to Council that the proposed use for the revenue sharing <br />funds would be capital improvement: the fourth baseball playing field on Purissima <br />(Little League). Revenue sharing finds not used in this fiscal year would be carried <br />over to next year. <br />MCCION SECONDED AIM CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by McReynolds and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to authorize allocation of Revenue Sharing Furls <br />for the 1980-81 fiscal year as recti ended by staff. <br />-3- <br />