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CITY COUNCIL MIINUITS - September 3, 1980 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: 1. Adobe Creek Country Club Contract of Sale -- continued <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by McReynolds, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />by all monbers present to adopt Resolution #1310 terminating the contract based <br />on the facts that had been presented, to wit, whereas there is a demand for a <br />private recreational club, the activity level required to break even is too high <br />to coexist as had been presented with such a private club and within the concepts <br />of the Town's General Plan. <br />Councidmenbers agreed that although this contract had to be terminated, it was <br />possible there could he future negotiations regarding Adobe Creek. <br />2. Public Hearings: <br />a) Request for Tentative Map Approval, LANDS OF BELLUCCI, File TM #2104-79 <br />(continued from 8/6/80 Council Meeting) <br />The City Engineer reported to the Council that at the August 27, 1980 meeting, the <br />Planning Commission had considered a three lot subdivision which involved parcel <br />APN 351-03-009 and they had reommended approval of the subject map. <br />Councilmenbers then discussed several of the Oonhitions of Approval, specifically <br />1.B, 1.F, 1.G, 6.A, 7.A and 9.A. Councilman Proft also asked for clarification of <br />the maps before Council. To correct this possibly confusing map situation, it <br />was agreed to mark the mals before Council "date stamped September 3, 1980". <br />David Bellucci, applicant, and Paul Nowack, applicant's engineer, were present and <br />addressed the Council regarding tlrse conditions. Carol Gottlieb and Mary Stutz, <br />members of the Pathways Cammdttee, also spoke to the Council concerning the paths <br />on this proposed subdivision. <br />PASSED BY OJNSENSLS: To make the following corrections ail/or additions a part of <br />the Conditions of Approval: <br />Condition I.B amended to read: "The owner shall dedicate an open space conservation <br />easement over the land within the subdivision located south of the 480 contour level <br />as shown on the Tentative Map date stamped September 3, 1980 and over the parcel <br />APN 351-3-010 located south of the 550 contour level as shown on the Tentative Map <br />date stamped September 3, 1980. Except for work related to construction and main- <br />tenance of pathways, no activities, clearing, grading or structures shall be allowed <br />in this easement. " <br />Condition I.F. amended to read: "The owner shall provide, prior to the filing of <br />the final map, an agreement binding upon himself and successors and interests to <br />provide vehicular access easements as follows: <br />(i) across lot 3 from parcel APN 351-03-010 to lot 2; <br />(ii) across lot 2 as shown on the alternate plan map; <br />(iii) across APN 351-03-010 and 182-24-004 from Franchmont Road to lot 3 <br />These agreements shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final map." <br />