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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 3, 1980 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: 2.a) LANDS OF BELLUCCI, File TM #2104-79 -- continued: <br />Condition 1.G.1 amended to read: "Over the open space conservation easement of <br />Condition 1.B.; specific pathways are to be designated within this region within <br />a three (3) year time period, at which time the portions of the right of way not <br />needed for the specific pathways will be abandoned. The owner shall provide, prior <br />to the filing of the final map, an agreement binding himself and successors and <br />interests to provide the path easement within 3 years of the recordation of the <br />final map." <br />Condition 1. G. 3. amended to read: "A ten foot (10') easement paralleling Moody <br />Foal between Adobe Creek and Mio)dy Road in a location approved by the City Engineer." <br />Condition 6.A. amended to read: "A Type IIB Path shall be installed within the ten <br />foot (10') easement across Lots 1 and 2 or negotiated pati in -lieu fees and an <br />easement to be granted on Parcel 3 and a dedication across entire properties <br />including Parcels APN 351-03-010 and APN 182-24-004." <br />Condition 7.A. Mn nded to read: "All fencing and related structures within the <br />mad right of way and path easement shall be moved to the edge of the mar] right <br />of way." <br />Condition 9.A. amended to read: "Prior to filing of the Final Map, the stucco <br />house, as shown on Tentative Map date stamped September 3, 1980, shall either be <br />relocated as indicated on the Tentative Map or removed from Parcel 1; or a Cordi- <br />tional Use Permit for a secondary dwelling shall be obtained through the Tann." <br />nYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />by all members present to approve the Tentative Map, LANDS OF BELLUCCI, File <br />TM #2104-79, subject to conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission and as <br />amended by Council <br />b) Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Site Development permit for <br />tennis court/pool/spa, File A #4775, 12169 Padre Court. <br />Councilman Pmft appealed the Planning Caanission's approval of this matter because <br />he felt it was net in conformance with the Town's General Plan and the tennis court <br />policy. <br />Planning Commissioner Carice stated that the Cssnnission had approved it with <br />mitigating measures, i.e., the landscape plan mitigated the excessive fill. <br />Peter Shaw, landscape architect, addressed the Council on behalf of the applicants. <br />MOTION SEOONDED AMID FAILED: Moved by Nystrom, seconded by Hillestad and failed by <br />the following roll call vote to uphold the action of the Planning Commission in <br />approving LANDS OF LEE, A #4775. <br />AYES: Mayor Nystrom and Councilwoman Hillestad <br />NOES: Councilmen McReynolds and Proft <br />ABSENT: Councilman Perkins <br />Comci]manbers agreed that this item would be continued at the September 17, 1980 <br />Council meeting. <br />CS <br />