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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 25, 1980 <br />B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Removed Item 3.a) continued: <br />Beverly Brockway, on behalf of Helene Woolf, requested that Council approve the <br />Planning Camtission reounmendations for this application except the requirement <br />to fix the Natama Road setback at forty feet. <br />Councilmembers discussed this request and also Item 1.A of the Conditions of <br />Approval concerning lard and easement dedications. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to amend Condition 1.A to read: "The owner shall dedicate a thirty <br />foot (30') road right-of-way, measured from centerline, along Natoma." <br />Councilmenbers supported the Planning Cotmuission recmmendation to fix the Natana <br />Road setback at forty feet. <br />MMOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hillestad, seconded by Proft and passed <br />unandmously to approve LANDS OF ELIHU ABRAHINIS, File SA #3-80 as recommended by <br />the Planning Coamission and as mended by Council. <br />b) LANDS OF BELLUCCI, File CUP #3-80 and VAR #12-80, allowing a 1,400 <br />square foot secondary dwelling (1,000 square feet are allowed by Cale.) <br />Councilman Perkins was concerned about how the structure on the map related to <br />the existing structure. If the addition to the original house was excluded frau <br />the map then that portion of the structure should be removed. <br />The City Engineer noted that the house had historical significance, not the addition; <br />therefore, staff would concur with re oval of the addition. He further noted the <br />Planning Co mission's recommendation for approval was based in part on the his- <br />torical significance of the dwelling. <br />MOTION SECONDED AM CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously to amend Condition 1.A of the Conditional Use Permit to read: "This <br />Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded concurrently with the final map." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Mrved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to add Condition 4.A to the Coalitional Use Permit: "A Landscape plan <br />for screening will be required and submitted to Side Development for approval." <br />MOTION SECONDED AM CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously to add Condition 5.A to the Conditional Use Permit: "There will be <br />an annual review for compliance with these conditions and current code." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Mgved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to approve LANDS OF BELLUCCI, File CUP #3-80, as recommended by the <br />Planning Ccumission and as amended by Council. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Nystrom and passed <br />unanimously to add the following condition to the variance #12-80: "Sheds facing <br />`. westerly property line shall be removed frau structure ninety days after approval <br />of variance." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unaimously to approve LANDS OF BELLi CI, File VAR #12-80, as reoommended by the <br />Planning Camussron and as amended by Council. <br />-2- <br />