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8./ <br />Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005,7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br />cc: Cassettes ( I ) #6-05 <br />ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers at Town Hall. <br />Present: Chairman Kems, Commissioners Collins, Carey, Cottrell & Clow <br />Staff: Carl Cahill, Planning Director; Brian Froelich. Assistant Planner; Lani Smith, <br />Planning Secretary <br />2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR -none <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />3.1 LANDS OF WESSBECHET, 11021 Magdalena Road (18-05-ZP-SD-GD); A <br />request for a Grading Policy exception where the applicant proposes cuts that <br />exceed the Town standard of four feet (4'). (CEQA Status: exempt per 15304) <br />(staff -Brim Froelich). <br />Staff introduced this item by displaying an aerial photo of the site, indicating the area of the <br />proposed grading. The grading plan shown in red was a proposal to grade that portion of the <br />hillside flat in the effort to reduce potential slope failure of the Quarry rim and potential loss of <br />yard area. A gentechnical report was submitted to the Town which concludes that the proposal <br />would not have an adverse impact to the stability of the Quarry wall and there is potential for <br />instability in this area even if grading improvements were performed. They also coneur with the <br />geotechnical report submitted when the new residence was proposed in 2002 and the conclusion <br />that the building site is not at significant risk with respect to rim instability. If there is a benefit <br />of the proposal, it is the reduced load on the rim and a reduction in the degree of a potential slide. <br />In review of this project, it became clear that views from the Wessbecher property would be <br />enhanced if the project were approved. Conversely, the residence would become more visible <br />from the Quarry subdivision and the surrounding hillside developments. Final points made: (1) <br />Landscape screening plait for the new residence is required to be reviewed at a Site Dev <br />