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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 21, 1979 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />`, 1. Public Hearings: (Continued) <br />d) Request for Tentative Map Approval, LANDS OF DAWSON, File TM #2094-78, 15 Lots. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Following a review by the City Engineer, it was moved by <br />Councilman Perkins and seconded by Mayor Hillestad and carried unanimously to adopt a <br />Negative Declaration with mitigating measures, LANDS OF DAWSON, File TM #2094-78. <br />Councilman Perkins talked with the City Engineer relative to the merits versus problems <br />of proposing a common driveway for 3 lots and that there was adequate sight distance where <br />this driveway is to exit on MirMirou Drive. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and passed unanimously to amend the last sentence of Condition 1.D to read: Common drive- <br />ways may be replaced by individual driveways with the approval of the Site Development <br />Committee. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and passed unanimously to add as new Condition 1.G: Lots 12 and 13 shall be noted on the <br />face of the Final Map as not further subdividable. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend the last line of Condition 1.F (1) by changing the word <br />t1westerly" t' outherly". <br />Mrs. Gottlieb, Chairman/Pathway Committee, spoke for leaving Condition l.E as stated in <br />order that the Committee might continue trying to obtain a link for this proposed pathway <br />during the year given. <br />After a brief discussion, Council consensus was to not amend or delete this condition. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and carried unanimously to amend Condition 8.0 as follows: Landscape screening and planting <br />shall be part of the improvement plans and shall be accomplished prior to City acceptance <br />of any dedications. Upon said acceptance, the Applicant shall provide a bond to insure <br />maintenance for a period of two years beyond the date of acceptance. Amount of bond to <br />be set by the City Engineer. <br />Councilman Proft cited his concerns as to the absence of precise earthquake fault setbacks <br />delineated on the Tentative Map, confusion as to the recommendations of the Geologic/ <br />Geotechnical Investigation by Terratech, Inc. and whether reviews had been made by the <br />Town Geologist of the most recent map for compliance with these restrictions. Council - <br />members discussed with the City Engineer these problems and the necessity to resolve these <br />issues at this stage of the hearing process. <br />Mr. Woolworth, A licant's Re resentative, spoke in favor of the thorough investigation <br />made and that all geotechnica /geologic recommendations had been closely followed. <br />Commissioner Stewart stated that the Planning Commission had not closely reviewed this <br />major issue and suggested that the complete report be made available at their next meeting <br />in order that they might address it carefully. <br />Discussion centered on impacts to lot configurations which might result from precise <br />setback locations, the need for Planning Commission review of the geologic investigation, <br />desire for attendance by the Town Geologist as well as the Applicant's geologist and <br />confusion as to fault line versus fault zone as shown on the Tentative Map. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilman Proft and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to return LANDS OF DAWSON, File TM #2094-78 to the <br />Planning Commission with further review by the Town Geologist also for geological clarifica- <br />tion. <br />AYES: Councilmembers McReynolds, Perkins and Proft. <br />NOES: Mayor Hillestad and Councilman Nystrom. <br />-4- <br />