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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 7, 1979 <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />t 1. Reports of Standing Committees: <br />�s a) Traffic & Public Safety Committee - Burglary Alarm Ordinance. <br />Mrs. Yeend, Chairman/Traffic & Public Safety Committee, referenced her letter to Council <br />citing the frequency of false alarms within the Town, approximate cost for Sheriff's res- <br />ponse time and similar ordinances in neighboring communities providing for fines to be <br />levied for the chronic abuse on some alarm systems. <br />Councilmembers commended the Committee's efforts and requested back-up data on frequency <br />of false alarms by area, further review of ordinance action by adjacent cities and a <br />sample ordinance for the Town be brought back before Council. <br />Mrs. Yeend, Chairman/Traffic & Public Safety Committee, introduced a memo and cost break- <br />down sheet, outlining the work accomplished thus far on the upcoming Mayor's Safety Aware- <br />ness Run. She suggested April 22nd as a tentative date to hold the Run and advised of <br />ideals being considered to provide for safety emphasis, personnel required and promotional <br />techniques to be undertaken in conjunction with a representative from "Runner's World". <br />Councilmembers reiterated their concerns that jogging safety be paramount and endorsed <br />the Town's underwriting of costs as well as the go ahead for proposed plans for this Run. <br />Mrs. Wood, Stonebrook Drive, suggested installing a burglary alarm and sprinkler system <br />in the Town Hall facility as much needed protective measures. <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: None <br />3. Reports from the Planning Commission: <br />Commissioner Stewart advised of a memo from the Commission requesting the presence of a <br />Councilmember at each Planning Commission meeting. The Mayor and City Attorney put forth <br />the following in opposition to initiating this practice: (1) It is felt that no one <br />Councilmember can speak on behalf of the entire Council; (2) Due to press of work all <br />Councilmembers currently do not have the time to attend another meeting; (3) The purpose <br />of having a Councilmember at Planning Commission meetings has never been clearly defined; <br />(4) Historically, Planning Commissions are recommending bodies only, thus pre-cluding <br />final action or advice at that level; and, (5) The Councilmember involved would be hearing <br />the same matter twice which might constitute taking evidence outside of the Council meeting. <br />It was then directed that a memo to the Planning Commission offering Council's commendation <br />on their efforts to date and the above reasons against having a Councilmember attend each <br />meeting. <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: None <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE & ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Liability Insurance Report. <br />The City Manager outlined the work accomplished on the agreement and by-laws for pooling <br />liability insurance for cities in the County and answered Council questions as to the <br />advantages and quality of risk coverage offered. Council consensus was to direct that a <br />letter of intent to join this pooling of insurance coverage. <br />b) Composition of Solid Waste Planning Committee. <br />or <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Following a brief discussion, it was moved by Councilman <br />McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Proft and carried unanimously to endorse the appointment <br />of a representative from the private sector representing environmentalists and recycling <br />only if that member is chosen by the small cities of the County. <br />-2- <br />